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  • RPG Biography
    Been playing since the early 2000's through various systems but primarily Call of Cthulhu and D&D.
  • Current games
    D&D 5e: Ravenloft
    Call of Cthulhu 7th
    Dungeon Crawl Classics
  • Blurb
    Just a humble tabletop gamer looking for fun.

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  1. Initially I was planning on running Horror on the Orient Express for my players with their current investigators after they completed A Time to Harvest. That is until I realized that ATtH takes place in the 30s while HotOE takes place in 1923. So I started brainstorming some ideas about how to make this mesh. A ) ATtH actually takes place in the early 20s (probably about 1921) B ) HotOE actually takes place in the mid 30s C ) The conclusion of ATtH someone sends the players back to around 1923 and I rope them into HotOE somehow The con with plan A is that based on continuity certain events (Whisperer in the Darkness) wouldn't have happened yet so it would throw a wrench into the Akeley/Wilmarth relationship. The con with plan B is that any historical events (Irish revolution, tensions between socialists and fascists) would have to be rewritten/scrapped completely. Plan C just seems like a total cop out to me that would require a lot of work for minimal/weird pay out. What do you guys think? Any solutions I'm overlooking? How would you potentially handle this situation.
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