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Everything posted by Sevastopol

  1. Sorry this is a rather belated reply, I just saw your post ShaunR, but I hope this answers your question - to begin there are two specific events that can happen which indicate something supernatural occurring at the Rose & Crown; they are under the section titled 'The Opening Gate'. The first is the drain of magic points investigators can experience, the second is one or more them seeing the ghostly apparition of a Roman legionary. Also under the section titled 'The Cellar' an investigator who spends some time searching the cellar will notice that most of the floor is actually natural rock, which is a hint that the cellar was adapted to its current use. From playtesting I found that the players either immediately equated the murder in the cellar with the sacred cave or learned the location through speaking with Atellus. Alternatively Col Stanley's finds, notes and research material gives investigators a different route to identifying the caves location through Library Use and the study of local histories, old maps, parish records etc as the Keeper sees appropriate. Please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions.
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