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Posts posted by hatenchaos

  1. On 4/8/2023 at 8:51 AM, Jason D said:

    5. Removing strike ranks and splitting attacks and parries - the former was only half-assedly implemented and the latter is not particularly useful. I also pared Sanity rules way back because as written, they were very specific to the modern horror setting and that's more the domain of Call of Cthulhu.

    @Jason D - any additional thoughts on the rationale for removing the rules for splitting attacks and parries? That is one of my favorite parts of the old Stormbringer rules, and a part that I feel really accurately and succinctly captures the essence of training and engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Anybody who has trained in martial arts knows that one's striking and parrying skills are never exactly equal, due to the variances in (a) ones natural aptitude for each element and (b) the amount of time spent training each specific element. I think the rules for splitting attack and parry skills are really critical for settings that involve a lot of hand-to-hand combat of any kind (either armed or unarmed).

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