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Posts posted by Kinjin

  1. On 2/10/2024 at 10:57 PM, g33k said:

    I think this makes Foundry a nonstarter for me.
    I already don't get enough time for my gaming; if I had to code as part of game-prep, I'd get in almost no actual playing!


    I think a lot of this will depend on the system you are running.  I've never used Roll20 but have a fair bit of time and money invested in FG, and got Foundry to look into the Runequest development.  While there I looked at what other game systems where available, and I picked up Warhammer (I already have a load of CoC on FG which I think works really well).   I've installed some modules and done very minimal config, nothing I would class as coding, and I think apart from creating maps and adventures, I'm ready to go.  

    So I'm really hoping that Runequest is as polished, and contains a similar level of automation.   

  2. I found two RQ systems on Foundry, one that doesn't look like it's been updated for a while and this one https://sun-dragon-cult.github.io/  that is still getting updates.

    The sun-dragon one is possibly the one being worked on by Chaosium based on the site saying "This is a community built Foundry VTT system that eventually (no set timeframe) will get Chaosium backed modules for the Starter Set etc. "  I'd be interested to know, if that's wrong and Chaosium is building a different one in-house.

    So far, I've created a basic character and rolled a few dice but I am very new to Foundry, so I'd be hesitant to say I'd run a game using it.  I've grown accustomed to a lot of automation in Fantasy Grounds, and I'm not sure how much is in Foundry.  Should be interesting to find out.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Richard S. said:

    Foundry VTT is what I use, and it's excellent. There is a one-time $50 to use the software, but it's been very much worth it. The Runequest module is unofficial, but it includes all the material from the official wiki so character building at least is a bit easier.


    Thanks.  Your post made me look into Runequest and Foundry, and it looks like Foundry will have an official version at some point. 

    I've just started running a campaign (not RQ:G) so I was going to use that time that game takes to look into and set up a RQ:G VTT.  Looks like I need to make the move to Foundry.



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  4. Does anyone know of a VTT that supports Runequest?

    I know Fantasy Grounds came close to having the Starter Set but it looks like that was sent off for testing somewhere then died.  I like Fantasy Grounds, especially the automation a lot of the products have but realise it might be time to look into other options.

    While I know I can run it on something like Discord, ideally I'd like on screen character sheets and maps.

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