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Dr Mobius

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Posts posted by Dr Mobius

  1. I've started prepping to run a scenario from this volume (The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse) and was hoping to use the pre-generated characters.  Whoever created these clearly did not read the "Involving the Investigators" sections for any of the scenarios.  As it is, I found them all to be unusable, and I'm going to have to use the pre-gens from the updated Dead Light book.  I was a bit disappointed by that.

  2. Thanks everyone. I enjoyed reading through it.

    I should add that a lot of things that I caught were a part of the original text from the first edition back in the 80s, and were just never spotted/corrected in the subsequent editions throughout the years (I tended to read this new edition side-by-side with the earlier ones to notice what had been changed/updated). I can totally see how the current team would miss these types of errors being focused on updating old material, adding new material, and providing new layouts. This is a huge magnum opus here!

    Having access to pdfs in advance of the print runs just wasn't a thing back in the day, so it's great that we can make use of this technology now and have so many helpful eyes on board. Thanks for providing this forum to submit corrections!

  3. Well, that seems to be it for me. I'm quite sure I didn't hit every spelling or grammar mistake, but I tried to get the obvious errors that might cause confusion while running the campaign.

    This was a wonderful update to a fantastic adventure. Great job in bringing it up to 7th edition.


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  4. Page 643 - Eye of Light and Darkness

    Description of this spell no longer mentions "Once activated, the symbol disappears within the substance into which it has been etched, chiseled, or otherwise physically inscribed, and cannot then be removed by any physical agent or by any ordinary magical means."

    I'm not sure if this is an update or an oversight (no pun intended), but I did like the idea that ordinary people are unable to see the activated Eye.

  5. Page 628 - SKILLS

    "For the purposes of this campaign and at the option of the Keeper, one skill might be learned or increased per investigator at the conclusion of a peaceful period of ocean travel of no less than 14 days;"

    Contradicts further down "Increasing a current skill: grants +1D4 points to the skill. Two skills may be improved per journey."

  6. Page 551 - The Demon Cabinet

    "Alternatively, the investigators can just try to force their way out (an Extreme STR roll; the door has STR 200, so combining investigator STR may reduce the difficulty). Failing that, a successful Locksmith roll picks the lock from the inside. Lung has the only key on his person, on the other side of the door."

    "The investigators can make an escape attempt if they have smashed enough of the cabinet’s interior; otherwise, the debilitating effect of the cabinet means they can only focus on the mirrors."

    These two paragraphs seem to contradict each other. Can investigators force their way out without breaking mirrors or not?

  7. Page 542 - Carlyle Papers China #3

    "The victims were identified as Miss Reparita Wong,"

    This name seems to go against the naming conventions outlined on page 519. And since she is later referred to as "Miss Wong", the conventions on that page imply that she should be referred to as "Miss Wong Reparita".



  8. 14 hours ago, Dave said:


    In the next graph, do not hyphenate “smartly-dressed.” (You needn’t hyphenate adverbs that end in -ly. Yet it would be “smart-dressed” if you wore a long beard and played fuzzy guitar.)


    I have not proofed the NPC and monster pages. I hope someone else will give them a look, as I suspect Dr. Mobius has done.


    I laughed at your "smart-dressed man" reference. ;)

    Unfortunately, I've really only been very briefly scanning over the NPC and monster pages, so unless they were very glaring to me I wouldn't have caught any errors there. Except one thing that did catch my eye:

    Page 513 - Gertie Wycroft, Shula Wycroft, and Janice Wycroft

    It looks like the preferred combat skill for humans is Brawl, and Fighting is mostly reserved for creatures/monsters. That said, both Gertie and Shula have "Brawl" skills, yet Janice has a "Fighting (Brawl)" skill. This should be changed for consistency.

  9. Page 500 - The Chronometer

    "Keeper note: the chronometer is the same make and model as those found in Omar al-Shakti’s home (A Dangerous Man, page 344, Egypt), in the basement at Ju-Ju House (Items Within M’Dari’s Alcove, page 157, America), and Sir Aubrey’s lair on Gray Dragon Island (Sir Aubrey’s Workshop, page 590, China)."

    This paragraph should also reference the chronometers at Gavigan's estate (Misr House, page 273, England), and M'Weru's lair (The Cavern of M'Weru, page 430, Kenya).

  10. Page 494 - Line Walker

    "Each day, the next one of the seven generators is stopped for servicing and adjustment (thus, the lights may go out for while, leaving the investigators in the dark for 1D4 hours); otherwise,  the generators are kept running constantly."

    There are actually nine generators shown on the map.

  11. Page 490 - A portion of the city map and Page 493 - Beyond the Bottomless Shaft

    The entry on page 493, Beyond the Bottomless Shaft, seems to be referring to the pathway that goes past the The Shaft Into Darkness and towards the electrical generator and areas explored by the cultists. However, on the accompanying map, the Beyond the Bottomless Shaft area is clearly going away from the cultist activity in a north-east direction, and not the expected west direction.

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