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Da Boss

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Posts posted by Da Boss

  1. Combat styles required greater explanation in the core rules. That much is clear. Pete remedied this with his excellent Signs and Portent article which discussed what combat styles are, how they work, why they work in the way they do, and so forth.

    RQ6 will continue with them, but with much clearer explanation and examples of how they are composed and used.

    Yet, in reality, any self-respecting warrior would be practicing, training and using both in combination: Combat Styles overcome this discrepancy.

    In MRQII the improvement process isn't based on skill checks against skills used but uses improvement rolls. This reflects the kind of practice a dedicated professional will put into improving his style. Its far more of a benefit than a drawback for characters and allows for some very creative weapon combinations. Da Boss mentioned the number of weapons included in the Pan Tang Gladiator style and seemed perturbed by it. Why? This is very clearly a niche profession where men are being trained to fight for their lives and forced into using a diverse range of weapons to do so. I designed it that way so that a Pan Tangian gladiator who's managed to somehow survive the fighting pits of Hwamgaarl would be a truly competent warrior reflecting both the time invested by his trainers and the necessity of fighting with trident and net one day, and a spear and buckler the next. Most other combat style examples found throughout MRQII supplements are far more restrained but still reflect cultural norms.

    I am afraid I still have several issues - one things it that Pete and others say that bascially learing the basics of combat can be applied to most weapons and martiala rtist friends support this - but then Combat Styles does not. It says you are skilled in this weapon and this weapon and nothing else.... and you are no better than anyone else when you pick up a weapon. This is something I have moved away from in my version of the Elric rules to the weapon grouping with defaults from the primary skill.

    The Pan Tangian Gladiator does not work for me as whilst I completely agree that he or she may indeed be taught a number of weapons to please the crowds would they not specalise in the same way as historical gladiators? The Elric example says no they are equally skilled in all the weapons they use - not one or two that they specalise in - that they have been found to have an talent for one of more. Surely it would have been that a Gladiator would have a series of Combat Styles and given that most warriors get 2 or 3 as part of their background this could have worked....

    The S+P article was interesting but then had the Samurai style which said that every Samurai was equally skilled in all the weapons he used, no potential for choosing to increasing say his bow skill within the Style - which I find a weakness in the whole Combat Style system. You increase everything or nothing...............

  2. No, the extra CA is gained when the character's skill hits a certain predefined level to reflect his expertise. The prone penalty does not take teh CA away since it is a penalty against his current chance to succeed while he is prone, not a permanent reduction in his mastery of the weapon. Same with Bladesharp and Coordination as they are temporary boosts in the current chance to succeed, and not permanent enhancements. The additional CA represents skill mastery through training and experience, not magical augmentation nor situation modifiers.


    Agreed - thats how I see - I use +1 CA for one or more combat Skills over 90%. Its no more difficult than the +1 CA for dual wielding and when it kicks in and when its lost - ie when you pick up or drop weapons.

    Combat Styles was a complete mess and brought up all sort s of oddities about what a character was or was not skilled in - it also made a nonsense of the argument that a well trained warrior could use varied weapons with equal proffiency as it meant the compelte opposite was true - that either RAW in the rulebook a Combat Style was two weapons or in the soruce book ranged from 2 to 10 different weapons. Lots of questions and debate ensued between players and GMs and on the forum.......

  3. I kinda go along with that after speaking to friends who practice martial arts etc - one just came bakc from 3 months studying in China :)

    As I mentioned its just seems odd that the Combat Style can be so hugely inclusive (for example the Samurai example above and Pan Tangian gladiators) and with such a diverse variety of weapons whilst also not having the potential for a practioner to be better at one from within the discpline that another.

    I'd really like their to be some way of incorporating this :)

  4. Reading through the other forums posts and Petes post here - it looks like alot of things are being reconsidered - so there is a possibility that they might (if it works better) use Weapon Classes whilst they are hopefully addressing the other issues I mention above. Then again they might not but its probably too early to be certain?

  5. the GW version of Stormbringer was one of my first ever rpgs - loved it including all of the "over the top rules".

    Elan works really well I feel and the alleigeince system complements it nicely.

  6. IMO the RAW have a fair few problems - especially in relation to duel wielding (oh look I have a tooth pick in my off hand - thanks for the extra Combat Action) - hence the various work arounds that people have been suggested to make this more palatable. In a similar manner Combat Styles caused alot of quesitons and confusion - perhaps this is why they are looking at these issues for the new iteration?

    At present CA are only related to raw physcial attributes and have nothing to do with skill or experience - I am not sure how adding one CA for high skill breaks the game when it already has the issue raised above which requires no effort or skill to achive - just a spare hand and any item? IMO this is far more game breaking.

    I would consider 90%+ a high skill - no one has got there yet in our Clockwork and Chivalry campaign - Perhaps it is different in more magic fueled RQ campaigns?

    Also IMO RQ handles unarmed combat very badly with little to no options or rewards for doing so.

    Combat Styles are presently super vague and I think Weapon Groups are much more sleek way of handling compentacy. There is also no way of creating a character who is skilled with some weapons within a style more than others - so a Samurai is equally skilled with Sword, Bow, polearm and Musket under the suggested styles. whilst many fictions which people try to emulate would have had the Swordsman, the Bowman and Naginata wiedler - each with thier own niche. I don't think there is anything wrong with using COmbat Styles but it needed/s an comprehenisive discussion of how best to use and adapt for a particualr campaign - especially for those less experienced.

    It will be interesting to see what shifts and chnages for RQ6 especially if its not centered around the needs of Glorintha rather than a more generic world?

  7. With the proposed release of a new version of RQII many people consider that there are some issues with the original system and if these will be sprted out (or not) in the revised version.

    The primary ones that I have seen an aweful lot of debate about are:

    Combat Styles

    Combat Actions (especially duel wielding with things like penknives or a sharp pen)


    It might be that RQ 6 does change these or it may not .............

  8. Combat actions. What actually bothers me is not the concept (it actually makes for very cool fights when heroes fight lowly peasants with less CA's, or terrifying monsters with many CA), but that it's purely stat-based, so if i have high INT and DEX, i get 3 combat actions even if its the first time in my life i pick up a weapon, and the grizzled veteran fighter has 2CA's because he has low stats.

    It IS a rant an quite a minor issue, since im sure pretty much any grizzled veteran can easily manage an INT/DEX average of 13, but still...

    I am experiminting with:

    Combat Actions: The base number of actions that a character can act in a round is determined by the Intelligence and Dexterity characteristics, as shown in the table below:

    Average of Dexterity plus Intelligence Combat Actions

    1-6............................................................... 1





    Additional Combat Actions:

    Weapon Mastery

    Characters receive an additional Combat Action (CA) if they have one or more melee, missile or unarmed combat skills (not artillery) above 90.

    Dual Wielding: A player may claim an additional CA for a second weapon, shield or “useful” item in his or her off hand, but the extra CA must involve that weapon, shield or item. A character picking up a second item immediately gains the additional CA, but must, as normal use it with the item they have just began to wield. If a Character loses the item during the round, they loose the bonus CA unless they have already used the weapon or item that granted it.


  9. Hello :)

    Always loved the Stormbringer setting and rules - played and ran there for decades. I like high level games os the system suited well and prefered the cut down version of the RQ rules (no fatigue or hit locs etc).

    Have ran the Fang and the Fountain a number of times with pre gen characters - great fun and must admit the throw away skills were always great for one offs/ pre gens - things like - Pose with Sword, Recite Saga and Command Slaves was amusing. Used the teenage Melnibonean daughter from Ghost of Cities as a adventurer pre gen with her bodgyguard a few times which was worked well.

    Must admit I have spent alot of time fiddiling with the rules and adding stuff from the varying editions over the years - if anyone is bored my present rules (incorpating MGPs Elric) is here:


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