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Sir Carter

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Everything posted by Sir Carter

  1. Really looking forward to The Book of Salisbury I've stayed in this part of the UK many times and explored such sites as old Sarum as well as many others I know the city well. So I will be very interested to see what they come up with.
  2. Greetings All New to the game though I played many many years ago. I'm looking forward to starting a new game. I'm think of adding some magical Faerie lore into my adventure. When I think of Pendragon in terms of the other world of Faerie I think of movies such as Legend staring Tom Cruise as I feel it needs to be whimsical dream like and strange. I was wondering what Supplements are best to give me better details and states on the various beings and enteritis of this element of the game. Do any of you guys use the Faerie World in any of your games or campaigns? and in what form do the take? How much of a part does Faerie play? Do you use them as a Helpful influence? A trickster influence? or as an evil force? I'm just interested in your views on the use of beings such as Elves and Trolls etc Thanks Steve
  3. Hi Some interesting comments here. Personally I would want to leave Passions and Traits in. It seems core to the games theme and will encourage roll play. Otherwise you might just as well play any Fantasy game. Reading through the rules I cannot wait to start a game Whilst I'm here can anyone suggest the best supplement to pick up? I will eventually pick the all up for the new Pendragon 5.2. Also are the original Pendragon supplement titles worth picking up from sites such as eBay? Thanks
  4. I’ve always had an interest in the Arthurian legends. Both historical and the romance. I’ve got a few armies set in the end of the Roman Period and the Saxon and Pictish Raiders. With Pendragon I’m hoping to capture the feel of the legends and it’s a RPG that really focus on Roll Play rather then hack and slash of other fantasy games. So my setting is that of high chivalry set in a mysterious realm of abandoned Roman ruins and faerie magic. As well as all the intrigue at court. And quests
  5. Hi all just ant to say high. I’ve just bought the new Pendragon edition 5.2 and very impressed so far looking forward to gaming it. Either with my friends or maybe with an online group. So this was just a very brief intro. I look forward to talking much more about this game and others
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