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  • RPG Biography
    New to pen and paper RPG's starting own Call of Cthulhu campaign
  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Blurb
    Big fan of Lovecraftian fiction and anything along those lines.

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  1. Thanks very much for the help guys! Yeah I will definitely incorporate those ideas into my campaign. Just going to run something else by you. The cult who worship Apophis I was thinking that they have been changed slightly and look normal at first but can open their mouths much further and wider than physically possible. As this would mean I could start the campaign with some kind of pre Egyptian exhibit whose main centrepiece is a lead bound sarcophagus containing a mummified devoured who wakes rather hungry...
  2. Its set in mid 1920's and is going to revolve around an entity know as Apophis (demon from egyptian mythology who tried to devour the sun but was defeated by Ra), who will be some kind of star devouring monster. I have some sketchy ideas such as a weapon known as the spear of Ra being key to defeating it/him, but don't really know how to work it in nicely and come up with some stats that doesn't make it overpowered or too weak. I have kinda got the back story that Ra was some kinda of alien/being from another dimension that imprisoned Apophis on Earth using his spear of light, but a cult known as the "Devoured" persisted and is continually seeking to summon him. But am currently at an impasse at how to work in some more Lovecraftian themes and scenarios.. Any ideas or ways to flesh it out and tie it in with the mythos more would be greatly appreciated. P.S this is very bare bones at the moment but I do have a few other ideas buzzing around.
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