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Posts posted by Ahchoolhu

  1. Thanks for the response Kronovan!

    This is pretty much what I am looking for I think.  Does anyone know if there any adventures that are particularly bad or good?  There are a lot to choose from.  My players are totally up on their Lovecraft lore btw.  I have been looking at the intro game parachuting into Czechoslovakia and I may want to do something different to spice it up. 

    I have been thinking I might do Island of Madness from the Miskatonic Archives as the introductory.  Only instead of a shipwreck make the fish guys disguised as people hijack a Zepplin crossing the Atlantic and wreck it on the island.  That way the characters can be in the OSS mistaking the fish guys as Nazi spys when they board the Zepplin.  Plus I really just have to run a game on a Zepplin.

  2. Hello everybody!  My first post!


    Actually I know the second world war pretty well but the title tickled my ridiculous alliteration bug and I had to write it.  I am starting a WW2 Cthulhu mini-campaign (9-12 sessions) and just picked up my 7th edition Cthulhu book.  The only books I have are the two main and the pulp book currently.  I have 3 players who are old gamers but aren't familiar with the rules.  We are looking for some pulpy WW2 action...  ala Dirty Dozen or Kelly's Heroes.  I don't know if it is cool to discuss other companies products, but if anyone could recommend some WW2 adventures or supplements I would thank you!

    Thank You!...  Ahchoolhu

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