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Posts posted by Grymm


    3 hours ago, Ian Absentia said:

    Beware the pitfalls of the too-successful Kickstarter campaign.  And that's more a caution to the host than to the backer.

    @Ian Absentia So noted. Sadly, I backed it early...before it had reached it's goal. I know that I had tried contacting through the Kickstarter host along with several others to no real avail. There are several others still commenting in the project comments on Kickstarter asking for some kind of update, but truth be told they are getting rather jaded and seem to all but have given up hope. I just reached out here to spread the net and HOPEFULLY get more info that I could relay there.

  2. Sooooo...........I guess I'll pipe up on this thread as well. I DID back the Kickstarter, I was super thrilled and WAY more excited than I should have been to see that there was going to be a 2nd edition of one of my favorite systems. I jumped at the chance to back the project. I am sad to state that I kind of regret that now. The Kickstarter was held in the beginning of 2016, February - March if I remember correctly.  Personally, I spent more than I should have and got the $280 package AND added a sourcebook. As of the writing of this post. I have NOT received my addon book (Which had an estimated date of release in Feb. 2017, so 3 years ago.) Secret Societies. Yes, I realize that there have been a couple updates about that book...but the last thing I have heard is from JANUARY. (If there has been another update that I am not aware of I apologize and would appreciate being directed to where such updates are being released.) I am also still waiting on the six (6) 24" x 36" Full Color Maps (Théah, Ifri, The Crescent Empire, The New World/Aztlan, Acadia/Wabanahkik, and the World Map)

    I fully understand that delays happen. I admit that I am still saddened that this project was 4389% funded, yet it has had so many issues being produced even 4 years after the fact. I have my own opinions about that...and will not go into them here. I will close this post with 2 things:


    First: Updates are amazing, if they are simply placebos. So if anyone know where the updates are going, please let me.....and everyone else....know. We'd really appreciate it.

    Second: This Kickstarter has taught me to be VERY VERY selective about what projects I decide to back. I advise Caution to anyone wanting to back a Kickstarter project.

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