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Posts posted by Savant1974

  1. Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that a 3rd edition of Sabre is well underway! The two main manuals (scifi and fantasy) are 95% complete, and I'm mostly building npc templates lately for our beta games. There's still some art I need to do as well, including finishing off the bestiary art (finally!) The main aim of 3e is to simplify the system, but also to allow print-on-demand versions to happen as well. I want a nice set of hardcover books to sit on my shelf! So I'm pulling out all the stops to make this a sleek and beautiful system, and it's coming along really well 🙂 Here's a sample of the fantasy style, with art that blends into the parchment background. ETA is probably March next year.


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  2. On 9/26/2021 at 9:55 AM, glassneedles said:

    I just bought everything off DriveThruRPG for what is a pretty silly reason. Your company name is what my D&D Campaigns group is called (I was outvoted on Care Bears). I mean I didn't just buy it because of that coincidence but that got me to click on the thread and then the system looked pretty interesting! Going to go have a look through now along with the new Cthulhu book released today.

    Clearly you're a person of good taste! 😄 Hope you like what you read. I'm working on a 3rd edition of the system now that will be print-on-demand right out of the gate, plus it'll be more refined, smoother, faster etc. Ultimate edition 🤩


  3. A quick update :)

    Things have been a bit crazy around here lately as Melbourne goes into a heavy lockdown. Coupled with the coldest winter in my lifetime and juggling a few jobs, it's been hard to keep on with work. Having said that, I'm still getting some done on the Feydwiir Atlas when I can, and it's starting to come together. It's also a bigger project than I thought it'd be, so there's plenty to do. 

    I've finished the updated maps today, with the overall style shown here:


    Anyway I better get back to it, stay safe everyone.

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  4. You choose a profession when you make your character and stick with it. The only "multi-class" option is the Prodigy/Magical Prodigy, which lets you take two spell systems/two technical skills. 

    In earlier iterations of the system, there was the old Background/Career character build process which was far more freeform, but we found that most people had huge overlaps on skill sets. "Who has Mechanisms? (everyone puts up their hand). So What I ended up doing was going halfway between that and the Class system, so there's definitive 'lanes' of advancement and skill sets with much less overlap, without losing too much of that freeform nature. A Knight can still learn Mechanisms if they want, but that's hardly the focus of their abilities. :) 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 20 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    Just a matter of curiosity.. Is it hard to publish hard copies?
    I noticed many RPG supplement advertise here are PDF only.... 😕 

    It's a little involved setting them up for print on demand. I do plan to get to it, but for the past few years I've been making use of the digital form to have a 'living document' which evolves as the system does. Sabre's in a good place now so I hope to have print editions done at some point, but right now I'm ironing out the bugs and such :)

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  6. 1 minute ago, Dethstrok9 said:

    Ahh... gotcha:) Great job making a system btw, that is quite the accomplishment. I have an RPG YT channel where I review games often, would be want me to review Sabre?

    Thanks, yeah go ahead and review the system if you like! You can use the Sabre logo up the top if that helps.

    Sorry for the confusion, I updated the OP with the reference to OGL :) 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Lloyd Dupont said:

    Hey, you're an Aussie too!
    So.. when are you moving to Brisbane?

    Looking for a GM doing D100 and something else than fantasy! :D 

    lol, quite happy where I am in freezing Melbourne thanks :P 

    My group really misses the games in the current situation but hopefully in a month or so we'll be up and running again :D Just finished off a long stretch of the scifi game, will be starting a fantasy game when next we play.

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  8. sabrelogo_email3.jpg

    I'd like to announce the Sabre RPG System 2nd Edition has been rolling out for the past few weeks at DTRPG! It's a system built on foundations of realism, smooth play and flexibility, featuring a skill-based d100 core with passive talents, active manoeuvres, in-game "on-the-spot" character advancement and a simple but powerful magic system.

    It comes in Fantasy and Scifi varieties, with a Bestiary for fantasy monsters and rules for Starships as well. Both are based on the same core ruleset, so you can easily mix-n-match for time travelling space cowboys in a medieval setting fighting dragons, space wizards of the future etc. There's vehicle rules for car wars scenarios, the works! Development is ongoing, but it's a stable system that's really come together! It's under the WotC OGL, so there's a free basic edition of the fantasy system you can check out, plus a premium version with much more content.

       SabreRPG_2e_smljpg.jpg scifi_2e_sml.jpg

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