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Everything posted by conajofa

  1. I mean, how the Evade/Parry vs Attack works? In the sense that, is it by Level of Success [a la classic BRP]? In that case this only becomes a problem with very high skills, because the disadvantage will make them Crit and Special less while their opponents can grab specials and crits. I personally increased Special to Half the Skill instead of Skill/5. Or just with any success you obtain full reduction? Maybe your problem comes more in how the attack hits by itself. And so, you should modify attack and defense interaction, more than the defense skills.
  2. @Mugen I get what you mean! The real utility is it as a resource for Techniques, like Dojis being better diplomats the higher their honor and Scorpion being able to use Honor as a currency. I suppose one can translate this with personality traits, my real question would be what would be the opposite, Shourido precepts aren't directly opposed.
  3. A new question for any of the people that pass by here: I'm starting to feel unsatisfied with the Rings, and I want to know if anyone has any idea of how to use the Five Rings in interesting ways that: Allows players to start low on them and increase them slowly towards a "Mortal Maximum" Makes people in that "Mortal Maximum" or higher pretty potent For now my approach is: Players start at 0 in all Rings, their Clan gives +1 to one Specific Ring, their Family gives +1 to one of 2 Rings, and they can choose to add a +1 to any Ring. This means that players can start with: Three Rings at 1 One Ring at 2 and One Ring at 1 One Ring at 3 Each Ring give a series of bonuses in combat and intrigue: Fire: Increase Attack Chance [+5% per Ring] - Increase Psychological Damage (Stress) Done [+1 per Ring] Earth: Increase Damage Reduction [2 Less Damage per Ring] - Increase Chance of Keeping Face and not being affected [+5% per Ring] Air: Increase Defense Chance [+5% per Ring] - Increase Chance of Success with Trickery/Lies [+5% per Ring] Water: Increase Damage [1 Damage per Ring] - Increase Chance of Success with "New Information" [+5% per Ring] Void: Increase the ammount of Power Points (Willpower Points) of the character [+2 per Ring] I feel so unsatisfied with this, like something is waiting to explode in any moment. Technically there is people in the setting that has "all Rings at 5" For now my hasty solutions is change everything to: Fire: Increase Stress Done [+2 per Ring] Earth: Increase Physical HP (Maximum Damage) [+2 per Ring] Air: Increase Social HP (Maximum Stress) [+2 per Ring] Water: Increase Damage Done [+2 per Ring] Void: Increase the ammount of Power Points (Willpower Points) of the character [+2 per Ring] But I'm feeling so frustrated about this right now, open to any proposal, even if it changes it a lot. For those that aren't that familiar with L5R, the general explanation of how it works on the original system is in the spoiler below
  4. Going back on topic, I'm settling on this idea: There are Great and Minor Schools: Both Schools have an associated Learning skill, like, for example, "Doji Diplomat Learning" or "Matsu Berzerker Learning" Great Schools are heavily based on @Atgxtg. They have 7 associated skills. These Skills are benefit by faster learning, having a bonus equal to 1/5 of the Learning associated Skill to the Training Roll and a bonus equal to their Rank to the ammount of Experience they accrue on that skills. Even if a character is part of multiple schools that benefit the same Skill, they only benefit from the highest bonus. The Rank of the character represents how many Tecniques (Feats) they can learn. Equal to their Rank x 2. Characters increase Rank based on Classic Fantasy Mythras rules, using the Skills of the School: Rank 1 = 5 Skills at 50% Rank 2 = 5 Skills at 70% Rank 3 = 4 Skills at 90% Rank 4 = 3 Skills at 110% Rank 5 = 2 Skills at 130% Rank 6+ = 2 Skills at previous value +20% Additionaly to fulfill the requisites, the character needs to find a Master of their School or fulfill the requisites of the next Rank to completely fulfill their training in the new Rank and learn the new Techniques. Minor Schools represent single lines of Techniques like Martial Arts or Debate Styles. This depends only on their Learning + Single Skill. For example Mitzu-Do [Rokugan Aikido] would be Minor School. The requisites are more easy to fulfill in exchange for a more narrow focus, with each Rank giving access to one specific technique. Rank 1 = 2 Skills at 50% Rank 2 = 2 Skills at 60% Rank 3 = 2 Skills at 70% Rank 4 = 2 Skills at 80% Rank 5 = 2 Skills at 90% For people that know about Legend of the Five Rings [ @svensson ], Minor Schools are my approximation to the Paths in contrast to the Schools. But I will admit Minor Schools still don't convince me, but it can be my perfectionism kicking in.
  5. Oh! No problem I will edit it. ESL, so probably a mistranslation of "Cortesano" Thanks for the help!
  6. For now is the idea of the Feats. So, for example. I have this for now: Matsu Berzerker School: Feats based on being on Total Offensive Posture and the general berzerker feeling. At the start of a Round, you can select one target. If you hit the target and do an Injury, you can immediatly roll Intimidation + Glory Bonus (I'm using Glory/Honor/Status like a Skill that can augment by 1/5 certain rolls) against the target POW (translated to WILL for my players) to paralyze them. When on Total Offensive Posture, you gain an additional +10% to all your Attacks roll in that posture. Spending a Power Point, you can ignore any penalties due to injuries or fear. Mirumoto Two-Heavens School: Feats based on taking advantage of using two swords. If you have two weapons, you can augment your Parry by your Skill in the second weapon (so your Parry tends to be Kenjutsu + Kenjustu/5) If you score a Special Success with your first weapon, you can do a second attack with the second weapon at Half the Skill Spending a Power Point, you can add your second weapon damage as Bonus Damage to a Special Success hit. In this same manner, for Courtier I have this: Doji Diplomat School: This is for me most problematic one because they are the Generalist School, for now I have As long as you maintain a High Honor, you gain a permanent +10% to all your Social Skills in Court You can give bonuses to other people throught gifts. When you give a Gift to someone, they augment their social Skills by yours when acting according to what you wanted from the Gift. Some Unarmed Things like using the other person Characteristics because they are also de creators of Mitzu-Do [weird Rokugani Aikido] Ikoma Bard School: Mostly storytellers and troubadors that have more freedom to display emotions. You can use one Art Skill related to storytelling (from music to storytelling itself) as the Battle [a mixture of Command and Strategy] and Courtesy [persuasion basically] Skill. You can recover Power Points of others by entertainment instead of meditation. You augment all your Knowledge Skills by one Art Skill related to storytelling. What I'm looking is: How to pace this so players have somewhat control on their advancement And how to allow players to have access to other School or at least "generic feats" like Cadenza, that is a language of Courteirs that needs specialize training but technically any Courteir can learn it, not only the Doji (even if they invent it).
  7. I have been good, mostly because my Shugenja player has been "I want water and water and only water" so I focused my efforts on that. The translation doesn't need to be total, mostly taking into account the mixture between 5e and 4e I'm doing in this D100. For now my idea is translate Raises to -10% reductions on ability, and making so Bushi Schools teach something that reduce the number of Raises needed for "extra attack". And the Cult idea maybe can work, my biggest thing is making sure two Courtier of different Schools feel like two different Courtier of different schools. So trying to come up with good/interesting Bonuses and trying to avoid indulging to much on "you have a permanet +10% on X Skill". Also because Schools on Rokugan are School of thought, IIRC there isn't an inherent solidarity between members of the same school. Cults are more Dojos, Families and Clans in that sense. But I know that Classic Fantasy also uses Rank-like-cult for simple level up mechanics.
  8. I thought about this but my problem is that, for what I read and its inspiration (the Classic Fantasy Rank system) is this seems to be very limitating in players having one school and never following another, as in this model Schools can have a lot of cross-skills (almost all Schools giving Dodge to their people, as it is an essential part of Rokugan culture). So, for example, if a player is in School A and then later also learn about School B but School B has similar skills to School A, then he automatically increase in Rank in the school. Also, for my understanding, Schools on L5R are Schools of Thought, not institutions of people. You can have three different Dojos all teaching the same School and others at the same time.
  9. Hi, While I'm advancing in the sidelines on my personal project, I also decided after a lot of unmeet schedules to reboot my L5R campaign. But also I decided that I prefer to GM it on BRP and so I'm doing a BRP Conversion/Hack based around L5R 4e and 5e things. I will put in spoilers the reasons for my moving to not clutter this too much. For now this isn't that hard. There is a lot of information in how to do "Asian Fantasy BRP" and there is even this Runeblog Post [in spanish, my native tongue] that has been good for reference to some rules and converting magic for the Shugenja. However, something I didn't find anywere is how to deal with Schools, that are a super important part of Rokugan and L5R, and an aspect I want to maintain. For now, my idea is that Schools function as a Skill that only can be increased with a Mentor. Each 20 Points in the School ability to gain a "Rank" that is mostly used for social standing. But also each 10 Points you gain a "School Feat" that includes stuff like not suffering damage when Blocking Unarmed, increasing Stress (my version of Strife that is only negative emotions) when insulting someone, being better at convincing specific kinds of people, etc. Additionally, at Rank 1 you gain some extra use of Power Points based on the School philosophy. This would allow somewhat for people to gain the right to learn other Schools (that are more close to Schools of Tought than institutions), and even to create some independent Schools. But I want to know if this is a good idea and if there are other approaches I could use. What I'm looking is: Progress in School giving some mechanical benefit. A way to differientate the types of School (Courtier, Bushi/Warrior, Ninja, Monk, Shugenja) A way to differientate the Schools of the same type (Doji Courteir School being more about standard High Class Courtier, while the Ikoma Courteir School is about entertaintment and storytelling) Thanks for all the help in advance!
  10. Probably can be done something like Highest Combat Skill? So, while a character that has 60 points across multiple weapons can be socially acknowledge and respected. They aren't in the same league than someone with 120 points on only one. I like the idea/approach, probably will start tinkering on it after I finish the L5R things I'm working now!
  11. Oh, I really like this approach. I will see to grab Superworld when I can!
  12. Yeah, the setting this is based for is one were "Weird Science" becomes the norm in the market. The thing is, I'm looking for a more freeform and from scratch approach than "Base Sword + Powers" because the setting allows for stuff like "Briefcase that on command produces multiples knifes when opened that stab the person in front is defeated by a guy with a Cloud Big Sword" It hasn't be my priority perse. As the idea is that players work as the Fixers (basically mercenaries) so they don't manufacture their weapons, they buy them. I have interest in then expanding towards how a player can manufacture the equipment themselves. The limited resource in that case is probably the tools (you need specific technology for specific effects) and patents (the setting has harsh legal punishment if you manufacture something you aren't paying to be able to do) The original idea is different in that, you first select the Rank and that gives you a series of point. So, for example, let's say: You have: - Heat - 1 Point per Level - Freeze - 1 Point per Level And the market has: - Rank 1 - 2 Coins - 2 Points - Rank 2 - 5 Coins - 4 Points - Rank 3 - 9 Coins - 6 Points So, a weapon capable of doing both Freeze and Heat can be a Rank 1 with one point on each, and that will cost you 2 Coin in money, the same than a Rank 1 weapon that has 2 Levels on Heat or Freeze instead of one in each. You can expand this to other ranks, with a Rank 3 having 3 Levels on each effect and costing 9 Coins.
  13. Hi! Thanks for the welcome and the answers, point by point: Basically Rank determines quality of the manufacture and by itself doesn't change anything else except the ammount of points for Effects. The core/meat of weapons is in its effects. So higher Rank weapons have more points for more damage, effects, capacities, etc. I can vibe with that. In the original system the weapons were limited by Rank/Level of the Character but that was because weapon were also Hit Chance. So, for example, a base weapon give a 1d6 attack and the character could expend Effect Points of the weapon to increase that Attack to 1d7, 1d8, 1d10, etc. So basically the only thing that make higher Rank enemies and character stronger than low Rank enemies or character was the capacity to use higher Rank weapons, and if they took a low Rank weapon, they were in a worst position. A Ranking/Grade system still something I could find very useful for the setting and helping me to accomodate NPCs. In the setting there are wild power differences and like 10 Grades of expertise. The reason is more related to the system. It was a derivated of PbtA in its narrative mechanics but without any space for out-of-combat mechanics, and due to a lack of understanding from the team on PbtA design, we had a lot of stuff with +4 or more to the checks. This even destroy the flow of combat. For example, while you can have weapons and armor that help you to evade or block attacks, Grappling was a opposed PbtA check that didn't use neither weapons or armor, only the core stats. This is the documents of the project until I left it for the creative differences with the design team if you want to check: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kBK7gAYS8kGUHUdMsoQFfAmoQM6dmzZX57yT--Di1HQ/edit No idea who are they, but hoping they pass by!
  14. Hi! I'm somewhat new and old to the BRP, playing CoC since 2017, Mythras in pandemic, some Delta Green one-shoots. I finally motivate myself (mostly out of spite against other system, Red Markets) to give my shot to costumize the BRP to my taste using what I learned from the others game. I'm very glad with the results, borrowing from multiple games to have an interesting and fun D100. While GMing this game, something sparked on me that was off from some time. I want to do a game in the Project Moon City (a somewhat cyberpunk, somewhat weird science, somewhat magic setting). But there is one problem I always have. The big problem is one: I want a system that allows players to buy costumized weapons. In the sense that, for example, one player can buy a flaming sword while other buys a battery-fueled chainsaw and both feel their weapons distinct. But for now BRP and derivates seems to move more in the lines of "big table of pre-made weapons" instead of "list of effects that, together, form a weapon" I will explain how it was on my first attempt without a foundational system, I can go more in deep if needed: Select Rank of the Weapon, this define its price. Select if the Weapon is Ranged or Melee If Melee, select a Damage Type (Pierce, Blunt, Slash) Select a Property (Defensive, Reach, Heavy, Small) Select effect based on its Rank (Rank 1 weapons have 2 Points for effects, Rank 2 have 4 Points, etc.) Take flaws for extra Points (Rank 1 could take up to 2 Points on Flaws, etc) Your weapon is ready Some effects were things like "Inflict Burn 4", "Increase Block +1", "+1 to Reach", "Gain extra damage if the Target is Burn" "Gain extra damage if the User is Burn", etc, etc. While I liked that approach, the problem with that system is that it only worked on combat, and non-combat mechanics were awful. And because of how that combat worked (weapon define hit chance and damage, Rank was limited by Level, etc.) I can't translate it directly to BRP. I'm mostly looking for any advice or guide of were I could find something similar for BRP in weapon costumization.
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