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Emphatic start to this review of the Smoking Ruin...


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Emphatic start to this review of the Smoking Ruin... (pretty emphatic end to the review too)

"There is a line on the dust jacket of the Guide to Glorantha that reads; 'Glorantha is the technicolor cure for bland, pseudo-medieval generic fantasy.' Normally when you read something like this, you can be forgiven for thinking it is self-aggrandizing, pretentious crap. Not in this case. If you have any doubts, all you need do is look at exhibit A, The Smoking Ruin & Other Stories. Seriously. You can open to any random page and find proof that--yes Toto--you aren't in Thedas, or Middle-earth, or Faerûn any more."
— Andrew Logan Montgomery, review of The Smoking Ruin


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