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White Bull Society - looking for information


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3 hours ago, Darius West said:

I mean, time is literally an abstract concept with no absolute physics that is slowly destroying the universe and consuming everything that has meaning. 

Time, entropy, the heat death of the universe — but we are both going to be dead long before the universe is, so let’s not sweat that. If it is just a fear of one’s own death writ large, should I conclude from the fact that I don’t want to die today that anything short of immortality is unacceptable?

We should probably be grateful that we don’t share a worldview with HPL. [Bang! Bang! Bang! — That’s me nailing a jumbo-sized crate of worms firmly shut.] I sometimes think he is so successful (post mortem) because his fans don’t share his fears. (Cthulhu plushies!) We won’t play a game where we pretend to be scared of things we are actually scared of; we will play a game where we pretend to be scared of cute things like relativity and five-winged tentacled cucumbers. Much safer.


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