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Soccercalle last won the day on November 21 2016

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  • RPG Biography
    Been playing on and on since 1982.
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    Mythras, Drakar & Demoner, Trudvang, RQ
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    Started to play with friends. Now also with my kids.

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  1. Thanks, thats it. I have em both.
  2. We know have the Dragon Pass book and a Sartar Book is on the way. We also know that books of Pavis/Rubble and Heortland is in the queue. Jeff writes on FB that he wanted to have official maps of Dragon Pass, the Holy Country, Prax and the Lunar provinces. Is it a good guess that we (some day) will get ”Gazetter Books” like the Dragon Pass book for these regions and more detailed sourcebooks for smaller areas - maybe with some scenarios (Sartar, Heortland, Pavis and maybe Tarsh, Dorastor, Dagori Inkarth etc).
  3. I know that there somewhere is a map of battles and military movements in the Holy Country during the early Hero Wars. That includes the Grazelander invasion in 1623. But I can't find it. Anyone who can help me? (I own all the published stuff from Chaosium and most of the JC stuff but everything isn't searchable).
  4. It is fixed and the hi-res is absolutely gorgeous. I have edited my comment to reflect this.
  5. Jonakel the Hunter, a mighty Argan Argar priest, is presented with stats on page 47. But there is no other information about him or where he lives.
  6. I have just started to browse the book and it is amazing. There are one thing that I think could've been handled differently. 1: Maybe the Wilds could have been divided in regions. Not it's one chapter for every area that isn't "human". I am not sure about this but I think it could have been organized differently. (I had another point but that has been fixed). But it is great! It is also easier to understand what will be in the upcoming Sartar book, probably much more about "politics" and the different tribes and clans.
  7. And the book I use the most is the Company of the Dragon. But that is because it is the campaign were running.
  8. I own them all. The Chaosium books I use the most during sessions are the Red Book of Magic and the Bestiary. The book I use the most between sessions is the Lightbringer as three out of four PCs belong to Lightbringer Cults. The Chaosium book I uses the least are the Argan Argar Maps, the Guide to Glorantha and the two scenario books.
  9. SPOILERS TO ALL WHO IS PLAYING COMPANY OF THE DRAGON I am running the Company of the Dragon Campaign and one of the players think that one piece of the Dragons Soul is at the bottom of the Sea. They think they can use this heroquest to get something from there.
  10. You have chapters with scenarios and scenario seeds in your books. It would be easy to just start a chapter with the SPOILERS label for non-GMs. If the players want to cheat they can always do that. I am running Company of the Dragon and scenarios from the two scenarios books from Chaosium. I can never be 100% sure that my players haven't read that. But that would hurt them more than me.
  11. I dont think you should overthink this. That is a risk with all publications. And someone who is a GM in one campaign may be a player in another. I actually think that it is good if a GM have "the whole picture". I was a better GM when I ran "Six Seasons in Sartar" because I also had read the sequels. It made it easier to improvise it the players did something that wasn't in the script. Regarding EWF cults. I would probably make the EWF-exclusive sub cults. The leaders of the EWF were mostly Orlanthi storm voices and that should be the base for EWF cults. There would probably be an "Orlanth Dragonfriend"-subcult and maybe similar subcults for other Orlanth-associated cults. But I would try to make it as good fit as possible with the modern cult format. The "modern" "Orlanth Dragonfriend initiate" would probably be an Orlanth initiate that tries to seek old secrets from the EWF.
  12. I actually got an idea that I will test in my Campaign. A group of Maran Gor priestesses and desperate Ernaldan priestesses that tries to awake Ernalda by blood sacrifices and other dark magic during the end of the Great Winter, maybe including some heroquesting and the sacrifice of a male king from one of the Old Tarsh tribes. When Ernalda wakes up they see that as proof of their success (they live to far away from Nochet to know anything about Samastinas deeds). They will try to influence Kallyr and my PCs (leading the Company of the Dragon) that blood sacrifices are the way to defeat the Lunars.
  13. Another thought about "old earth way". Maybe there was a time between Ernalda went to sleep and the Chaos reign of the Greater Darkness where other earth goddesses led by Maran Gor tried to wake her and "the earth" through blood sacrifice. I am trying to find some kind of God Time myth that could be the inspiration for this ideas. Maybe some Maran Gor followers tried to do this during the Great Winter and it some way succeeded in making the Earth turn to life?
  14. Maybe Maran Gor was more important during the EWF era? She is friendly with Dinosaurs and Dinasaurs are related to Dragons.
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