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Out now in PDF: Khitai Core Rulebook


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Out now in PDF at Chaosium.com and DriveThruRPG - Khitai Core Rulebook, $24.99*

7th Sea: Khitai is completely compatible with all other 7th Sea books, but does not require any of them. Bring your characters across the high seas to the shores of these never-before-seen lands, or venture on an epic campaign from the world of Khitai to the distant continent of Théah. 

*if you purchase direct from Chaosium.com when the full color physical book is out in 2023 we'll send you a coupon deducting what you paid for the PDF off the cost of the book!

Note: 7th Sea Khitai Kickstarter backers received their copy of this PDF two weeks ago. Backers will be sent their physical copy of the book before it goes on sale to the general public in 2023.

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  • 1 year later...

I was excited to see this rule book, which enabled me to play within the lands of the mysterious East.  I bought it and downloaded the Khitai Quickstart pdf.  However, I noticed something glaringly missing: a bestiary guide to animals found in these lands.  It is a glaring oversight with the Quickstart since the player's Character, Akiyama Chirhiro, refers to "play a character who hangs out with a super-cool bear that would do anything to protect you."   However, the Quickstart rules do not give you spec or any information about how to have that bear in the game.  I would have made her companion a tiger or leopard rather than a bear.  Nor does the rule book have any specs on any animals.  What is going on there?  Are there no horses, camels, cats, hawks, falcons, bears, lions, tigers, leopards, wolves, snakes, etc., in all of the lands of Khitai???  The core rule book should have had these creatures even if they were already described in the main game manual.  Is there any way to get a PDF for creatures and beasts of these lands?

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