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Journey to Jonstown #56: new indie RuneQuest releases that have already received rave reviews


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The Queen's Star - Jonstown Compendium

"The one thing I've got to say about the Jonstown Compendium on DriveThruRPG, the supplements' top tier – they are practically indistinguishable in terms of layout from fully professional releases." — RPG Imaginings.

Here are three new Jonstown Compendium community content releases that have already received rave reviews from RuneQuest fans! If there are Jonstown Compendium titles that you've enjoyed, please do give them a rating and perhaps even a written review at DriveThruRPG — their creators will really appreciate it! 

The Queen's Star
Akhelas, Austin Conrad ($10.00, 34 page PDF)

The shade of Kallyr Starbrow—once Prince of Sartar—asks the adventurers to be her hands in the Middle World. One of the noble Star Captains has gone missing. He descended from the Sky to discover Kallyr's fate. Now, she needs the adventurers' help to repay his loyalty.

The Queen's Star is a site-based adventure which describes one portion of the infamous Cinder Pits in the lands of the Colymar Tribe, in Sartar. This sandbox-style adventure gives the gamemaster the tools needed to discover whether the adventurers will use weapons or words to free an imprisoned Star Captain. It is designed for use with beginning adventurers (such as the RuneQuest Starter Set pregens), and to provide from 1 to 3 sessions of play.

"A fantastic open ended scenario that incorporates the classic Gloranthan feel with a well fleshed out location. Works very well with new characters, perhaps after they've completed the scenarios in the RQ Starter Set." — Christian G. (customer review).

Veins of Discord - Jonstown Compendium

Veins of Discord
Finmirage ($6.90, 30 page PDF)

An adventure set in the lands of Sartar near Apple Lane. This module brings your party into a conflict between two factions, each wanting control over the same resources. Players will face elemental forces and make tough decisions. Their choices will impact the environment and nearby communities. Relationships with important allies could be strained, and actions will have lasting repercussions.

Veins of Discord spans several seasons, and can be run between other adventures. While it's designed for Apple Lane region, it can be adjusted for other areas in Glorantha with some modifications.

"Great idea for an adventure and with a quality work overall. The arts are awesome." — Hannu R (customer review).

The Voralans - Jonstown Compendium

The Voralans 
Brian Duguid ($11.99, 82 page PDF)

This book is for anyone who would like to feature the black elves of Glorantha in their RuneQuest game, and who wants more detail on this somewhat “alien” race.

The black elves, or voralans, are fungal humanoids, walking, talking, magical mushrooms. They are distantly related to the other races of Darkness (invertebrates, and trolls). Their relationship to the plant elves, the Aldryami, is explored in this book. Unlike almost any other Gloranthan race, they have a lifelong telepathic link with one another, a mental communion that makes them see and deal with the world very differently.

"This book contains some seriously weird-ass shit, and I love it. Voralans are definitely some of the odder inhabitants of Glorantha (even by the standards of a world brimming with odd), and realising them in game terms with such insight and humour, as well as a big bag of crazy, is no mean feat. The authors deserve bags of credit for so ably bringing this particular baby spore to fruition." — John D. (customer review)

Plus more maps for your table and VTT games from Mikael Mansen:

Jonstown Compendium

Jonstown Compendium

Glorantha settlement - 21 - LESKOS
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of the city of Leskos.

Glorantha settlement - 22 - SOLUNG
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of a settlement called Solung.

Glorantha Settlement Sog City
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 4 maps)
Four maps of the metropolis of Sog City.

Glorantha settlement - 23 METROPOL
Mikael Mansen ($4.05, 2 maps)
This contains 2 maps of a huge city that you can place anywhere you like.

Glorantha settlement - 24
Mikael Mansen ($4.25, 2 maps)
Small forest village with some of the houses up in the trees.

Glorantha settlement - 25
Mikael Mansen ($4.15, 2 maps)
A bronze age city (loosely based on ancient Jerusalem).


Under the Jonstown Compendium community content license, fans of Greg Stafford's world of Glorantha can sell and share their own material on DriveThruRPG. If that appeals, check out the Jonstown Compendium Guidelines and start creating!

Edited by MOB
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