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Serpent Person Hybridization mechanics? (Pulp Cthulhu - Masks of Nyarlathothep)

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Hello good people,

I am running Masks of Nyarlathothep as a Pulp Cthulhu adventure and my players have had a sidetrack adventure in the serpent people age via a weird painting.

I made a short "dungeon crawl" for them to have to escape from and do a ritual at a Statue of Yig there to return to their present time, obviously they fought some serpent people and got bitten by them. I would like one of my players to suffer from Serpent Person Hybridization and I know that there are mechanics about that in the scenario The Two Headed Serpent.

Without breaking any forum rules is it possible for someone to tell me the mechanics for Serpent Person Hybridization? 😄 I am far too poor at the moment to afford buying another PDF just for a mechanic. If it's possible then thank you very much, if not then I am sorry for breaking any forum rules.

Thanks and have a great day!

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