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Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass will be available in October


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IMHO, a LoR candidate needs to meet two somewhat opposing goals. 1) It needs to be fresh enough that owners of the previous books have a good reason to buy it. 2) It needs to allow players to use the materials that they already own - especially the core rules. These are Lands of RUNEQUEST, after all.

Sadly this takes off the table anywhere that a grognard like me would find exciting. Accepting the above limitations...

I would personally love to finally get an official Nochet book, which would allow the use of pretty much all of the published cults, homelands, etc. (And have lots of pretty new pictures and maps!) It is a very different setting from Dragon Pass and Prax for all the obvious reasons. I also love the maritime nature of the setting. The Opening of the seas allows NPCs from anywhere and everywhere to show up. It also is a gateway to other parts of the Holy Country that might then be possible for future books in the line. A guy can dream, right?

From a writing PoV, there is tons of Greg's writings on Nochet and Esrolia to pull from. On the down side, Harald Smith's excellent Nochet: Queen of Cities makes an official book a bit redundant.

The Lunar Provinces, especially Tarsh, would also let players use books from the current RuneQuest line. I don't find it nearly as interesting as Nochet, but it does give players the opportunity use their lovely new Lunar Way book more often than Esrolia. It is also a gateway into more interesting regions to the north. (Providing opportunities to use the expected Solar cults book.)

The other suggested options of Grazelands, Black Horse County and the like would be cool but are pretty niche areas. Likewise for Sun Dome County. The first two of these would let players explore shamanism and sorcery more fully. (And maybe get some expanded and/or revised rules?) Like Peloria, Sun Dome County would also let players use a Solar cults book.

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