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The survey results are in: we're actively planning to run Chaosium Con Australia again next year!


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We had a fantastic response to our Chaosium Con Australia survey – many thanks to everyone who filled it out! And the response was emphatic - 92.6% of the attendees said they'd come back to the same venue next year (and the other 7.4% said 'Maybe'; no one said 'No").



We got a lot of helpful feedback to make the convention better if we did it again, and a whole lot of positive comments about what attendees enjoyed, e.g.:

  • "Meeting new friends and being made to feel welcome by Chaosium staff."
  • "Friendliness of everyone, staff, volunteers, fellow players and keepers, it was really nice feeling about being together, I loved it"
  • "A convivial gathering of like-minded friends new and old for shared purpose in a luxury venue."
  • "VIP games and VIP approachability. As veterans they embodied the qualities of excellent Keepers and I'd have to say they are some of the nicest most positive people I have ever met. I came away feeling closer and connected to the hobby I love."
  • I absolutely loved being in an environment where collaboration was encouraged, and kindness was led from the forefront. I'd never played any Call of Cthulhu games before and not only were the GM's amazing, but other players were as well.
  • "I’m new to the community so it was great to make connections and have fun."
  • Travelling over from New Zealand, and not knowing anyone else at the con, I appreciated how friendly everyone was.
  • It filled my heart. Such a wonderful start. I'll be there every year.
  • "Pleeeeeeeeease do it again!!"

So we're pleased to officially announce that we're actively planning to run Chaosium Con Australia again next year, and already talking to the venue (Moonee Valley Racing Club). Date TBA.

[In the photo are the mugs we gave as gifts to Bridgett, Drew, and Mike, our international guests of honour. They were made by Call of Cthulhu creator and ceramicist Kelly Grant, who sadly passed away last year. Kelly loved events like Chaosium Con Australia, and we miss her.]

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