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RuneQuesting: a new online toolset for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha


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RuneQuest online toolset

RuneQuesting is a new online toolset designed to help you and your friends both run and play a game of the RuneQuest roleplaying game.

Produced under license from Chaosium, RuneQuesting provides a character builder that steps you through the entire character creation process, from selecting an initial homeland through to rolling for any heirlooms your character might be carrying. Alternatively, there is quick build option that creates a blank character, that you can then use to import your favourite existing characters into the system.

Once loaded, RuneQuesting supports almost all aspects of the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha core rulebook, from attacking with a weapon, to casting spells, to adding a bound spirit, and much much more. Dice are rolled on the screen in front of you, and if you are playing as part of a campaign, the results are also visible to other players via a message window.

Campaigns allow you to link characters into an online campaign, where you can add entries to a game log, view other characters, organise your campaign, and generate realistic NPCs.

RuneQuesting online toolset

Currently in Beta

RuneQuest core rulesPlease note that the application is currently still in beta, and while every effort has been made to eradicate any issues, you may still come across them from time to time. There is a feedback option on the site that will enable you to provide details of any problems, or alternatively you can join the Discord server to discuss the application, what you think is good, what can be improved, and any problems you encounter.

There is a great deal planned for the application, so keep an eye out here or on the Discord server for further announcements

To discover more, go to https://runequesting.com

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