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Organised Play Convention Scenarios


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So which scenarios would be recommended for convention play? Ideally I'd be looking for something to run for 3-4 hours with a gentle start, ragged middle and climatic end (probably where everyone dies or goes insane as this is how all the games I have played in go!)

Is there any plans on Chaosium creating convention one shots / specials such as this?

Cheers :)

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Actually, I love that you started a new thread. :-)

We have a great little one-hour demo that is in editing right now, perfect for introducing brand new players (even new to roleplaying!) to Call of Cthulhu. We will make that available once it is done with layout, copy editing, art, etc. I ran 11 sessions of this at GameStorm in Portland and plan to run more at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in San Pedro this month. Stay tuned for a release date.

Meanwhile, for running scenarios of 7th edition, Nameless Horrors is highly recommended. Six scenarios intended as one-off games, each with pre-generated characters that are built into the scenario. They vary in length and run-time. I personally have run three sessions of Bleak Prospect from this book and found that tight control can fit that game into two hours, more relaxed play puts that scenario at just under three hours. And one scenario says it runs "two sessions", but could be squeezed into a six hour convention slot by my estimation.

But all existing scenarios are so easily converted into 7th edition that a Keeper can do this in their head while playing. So anything is fair game. I've been getting a lot of con reports about Deadlight getting to tables.

I'd like to encourage other Keepers to share their favorite scenarios for convention play.

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* I've run "a method to madness" from http://www.chaosium.com/terrors-from-beyond-pdf/ at a convention with 3 hour slots. It's a nice contained adventure, with plenty of fun with insane NPC's (as long as you're comfortable with more than a dozen NPC's). You can control the pace of the story, for the three hour slot I needed to skip one or two 'events'.

* For an online convention, I've run "ghost light" from the same tome. It's designed for four players and runs about 3 hours as well. This one is even more contained, the investigators are trapped on an island. It runs almost as a linear story, there's no NPC's to worry about, and it's almost impossible for the investigators to make it safely off the island.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I find that the majority of Mansions of Madness is suited well to a Con game setting with the exception of The Plantaion. I have ran both Mr. Corbit and Crack'd and Crooked Manse as well for a con. I am currently prepping El Tigre, y la Pirámide de Destrucción from Blood Brothers 2 for a convention as well. 

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