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Episode 2: did this happen to you?

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So on day 2, my players decide to seek the advice of Professor Harrold(Daphne Devine!)  I played her as probing them for information, answering questions with questions, and basically not being helpful.  Also I had her praising her own work a great deal and calling herself brilliant. While the players did not reveal their hand too much (they had been to Blaine's apt. and read Devine's journal) I decided the meeting would accelerate the timeline of Blaine's suicide and the attempts on the life of the pc's a good bit.  Did anybody else have this in their campaign, and how did you handle it?

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I had a different issue (ie. the players avoided poking things... until they poked EVERYTHING all at once, in split parties...), but honestly I love the self-praise idea.  Good way of running it.  I probably would have made her condescending and dismissive, but I think your idea is way better.  And nothing wrong with a little healthy paranoia on the part of the NPCs.


My issue was when while a player was following up on trying to find Blaine (and running into the suicide, with the plan for me to start the nightmares afterwards) several of my other players went to the library and tried to integrate themselves with the NPCs.  When that failed one proclaimed "I know you're not who you are.  You're not the same people who went on the trip." - which sort of domino-ed the rest of the plot pieces.

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