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7th ed. Combat Option Clarifications


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Just want to make sure I grasp this.

LET'S START WITH MELEE: When attacked the first time in a round, characters can Dodge/Fight Back but then any and all attacks for the remainder of the round have a bonus die. They can still Dodge/Fight Back on each future attack, with no further repercussions...? So with multiple attacks or attackers the norm could be the attacker attacking with a bonus die, but the defender getting an active defence roll. Also, with the default being the monsters Fight Back, does that mean after the first character attacks the monster then the rest of the Investigators are going to get a bonus die for the rest of the round?

Or in theory the character could NOT Dodge/Fight Back, give the attacker and all future attacks/attackers that round a straight roll (to avoid bonus dice from Outnumbered - not sure if it would be worth it).

Or if everybody is only attacked once, it doesn't matter. :P

Does this sound right?

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And I see after Diving for Cover, all a character can do is further Diving for Cover...so if attacked in melee they'll get the boots put to them. Since the point of Diving for Cover is to inflict a penalty die, I'm guessing it wouldn't cause a melee attacker to get a bonus die...? But I also wouldn't give a chance for the character to inflict a Penalty Die with a roll against melee, after Diving for Cover from ranged...?

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Pretty much right, I think. One minor correction: monsters can defend as many times per round as they can attack before attackers start getting the bonus die for outnumbered. So if a creature gets three attacks in a round, only the fourth and later attacks against it will get that bonus die.

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On 2017-05-21 at 11:59 PM, trystero said:

Pretty much right, I think. One minor correction: monsters can defend as many times per round as they can attack before attackers start getting the bonus die for outnumbered. So if a creature gets three attacks in a round, only the fourth and later attacks against it will get that bonus die.

Yes, thank you. :)

So a bit more complicated, but then I guess a normal Call of Cthulhu game isn't really a combat fest. Might be more relevant for Pulp Cthulhu. Not unmanageable, and not unrealistic considering what other rules systems are doing.

Ranged I think is pretty straight forward, with the only significant changes being Diving for Cover and the Penalty Die for multiple shots with say a pistol. And the change to DEX order for Firearms (+50), which I almost feel is optional. Going to review them now to see if I have any other clarifications. :)

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