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Unnatural Selections - recent Chaosium reviews of note


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Unnatural Selections #3

Reckoning of the Dead says "Chaosium does it again" of Petersen's Abominations; Griffin Mountain is back - Grognardia calls it "one of the best RPG products ever produced for any game"; and Seth Skorkowsky explains why 'The Haunting' has been in print constantly for nearly 30 years, and has been "a rite of passage for nearly every Keeper in that time."


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Unnatural Selections #2

Andrew Logan Montgomery's Otherworlds of Fiction, Magic, and Gaming blog recently reviewed two new Chaosium releases with considerable depth, insight and perspicacity (in his own words, Andrew's reviews "run deep"). The books he covered are 13th Age Glorantha and The Glorantha Sourcebook, both currently available from Chaosium in PDF (hardbacks coming later in the year).

So, as Andrew invites you, "Grab a cup of coffee, pour a glass of wine, and settle in for the latest dive into one of gaming's most extraordinary and influential worlds."


screen-shot-2018-03-18-at-11.52.49-pm.pn screen-shot-2018-03-18-at-11.52.37-pm.pn


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Unnatural Selections #1

'Unnatural Selections' is what will become a regular round up of notable Chaosium reviews we think are worth a look...

—A self-confessed cattle rustler (or at least unwitting accomplice to cow stealing) reviews our Reiner Knizia family game KHAN OF KHANS: http://bit.ly/2FZyLz6

—Dreams & Nightmares explains how you can become the world's greatest uncle/aunt/friend with CALL OF CTHULHU FOR BEGINNING READERS: http://bit.ly/2BPn7ZC

—Tabletop Gaming Magazine (UK) calls CALL OF CTHULHU a "stone cold classic": http://bit.ly/2C6UFxO

—Games Vs Play comes up with 5 reasons why CALL OF CTHULHU is actually one of the best historical RPGs around: http://bit.ly/2H1khAb

—Reckoning of the Dead reviews two of these new historical settings: DOWN DARKER TRAILS (Old West) and REIGN OF TERROR (French Revolution): http://bit.ly/2nUM0d3

—Lastly, George RR Martin of 'Games of Thrones' fame pops up in a video interview with Sandy Petersen to lament that Call of Cthulhu "almost destroyed my life and career". We *think* he means that as a compliment: http://bit.ly/2skmCm7


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  • 2 months later...

Unnatural Selections: Recent Chaosium Reviews of Note #4

Something a bit different today: reviews of reviewers, on YouTube! 

The fantasy news and reviews website Fantasy-Faction has recently posted an excellent overview of RPG and board game reviewers on YouTube. 

Three great channels that regularly—if not almost exclusively—talk about Chaosium games (Call of Cthulhu, RuneQuest) are highlighted:


Game Geeks RPG is hosted by Kurt Wiegel, "a scientist and a grandmaster of gaming... Call of Cthulhu also gets plenty of love on this channel, with tons of adventure reviews."


Seth Skorkowsky's speciality is "examining adventures published for Call of Cthulhu and its relatives... In addition to all the adventure reviews/advice sessions, Seth is currently doing a series of videos about the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game in general... If you’re new to running Cthulhu Mythos games, you need to watch this channel. If you’re an experienced Cthulhu GM and just want some new ideas, you need to watch this channel."


Bud's RPG Review: "If RuneQuest is your jam then Bud is your man."

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Unnatural Selections #5 - RuneQuest "one of the Great Games, a defining thing for our hobby..."

Ron Edwards, influential game design theorist, Diana Jones award winner, co-founder of The Forge (and recent emigrant to Sweden) is currently running an on line RuneQuest Classic game, posting the videos of the sessions and writing up his thoughts. 

Three sessions in, Ron describes RuneQuest as:

"one of the Great Games, a defining thing for our hobby, and still one of its most ambitious on a number of levels".

You can see more about these sessions at Ron's site, Adept Play, including actual play videos (Ian Cooper, Chaosium's line editor for HeroQuest, is one of the players):

And here's what Ron has to say about the RuneQuest Classic release Cults of Terror (reissued version now available in PDF😞

"CULTS OF TERROR is a not merely a landmark in role-playing history, it's a giant. Coupled with the rules it was written to support, RUNEQUEST 1980 (RuneQuest Classic), and the supplement that immediately preceded it, CULTS OF PRAX (also available in PDF from Chaosium), it established a new-and-different bar for play which defined "I play RuneQuest" into almost its own sector and subculture to the present day."

The new Chaosium edition of RuneQuest is coming soon! Sign up here to learn more!

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Unnatural Selections #6 - "the Pepsi of RPG franchises"

Call of Cthulhu - the definitive horror RPG

"Call of Cthulhu is now the Pepsi of RPG franchises, alongside D&D’s Coke, and the game’s success is part of the revival of Lovecraft and Lovecraftian fiction."
—Paul StJohn Mackintosh, The Legacy of Lovecraft in greydogtales.

"The stars are right for the best edition of the best role-playing game in the world."
—Antonios S. Review, RPGNet.

"…one of the most iconic tabletop roleplaying games of all time."

"With its 7th edition, Call of Cthulhu further solidifies its position as one of the greatest role-playing games ever made."

Call of Cthulhu Quickstart

"Call of Cthulhu is, for me, the best RPG ever created irrespective of genre. Yet I do recognise that its approach to heroism is not for everyone. Buying an enormous rulebook without being certain of whether one likes it or not might not be as prudent, so here's the answer. Eleven pages of rules, which can be clearly understood in under an hour…"
— Antonios S. Review, RPGNet.

"Call of Cthulhu is one of the greatest of its kind… the Quickstart Guide is a great introduction to the game."
Geeks A Gogo

Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Free PDF

"Every journey begins with a single step. The Mythos step is free of charge... If you had the chance of trying the best RPG ever made free of charge, wouldn't you?"
— Antonios S. Review, RPGNet.

Call of Cthulhu Quickstart Scenario "The Haunting"

"There's a reason why [Sandy Petersen’s scenario ‘The Haunting’, included in the Call of Cthulhu Quickstart] has been in print constantly for nearly 30 years and has been a rite of passage for nearly every Keeper in that time"—Seth Skorkowsky (video review):

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chaosium licensees produce releases that supplement and support our own.There is a huge and unslaked demand for quality Call of Cthulhu RPG and related material, and we are fortunate to be able to collaborate with so many talented and diligent creators to help meet that demand.

Here are some recent reviews of licensed products well worth your time!


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Unnatural Selections: Recent Chaosium Reviews of Note #9—Gloranthan Goodness.

RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha was launched in PDF to critical acclaim earlier this month, plus what reviewers say about some other recent releases set in Greg Stafford's mythic realm.



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  • 8 months later...

RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha is out, and we're so happy it is a critical and popular success! But there are different ways to scratch your Gloranthan itch too - here are recent reviews of some of the other products which you can use to explore Greg Stafford's mythic universe...



Plus, previous instalments of #unnaturalselections:













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