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Sample Cult write up Generic Mong Runequest I


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Euphrenas The Knowledge
Area of Influence: Knowledge
Symbol: An Open Book
Description: Euphrenas is an outcast of sorts among the family of the Pantheon. He seeks knowledge at any expense. To his followers, the acquisition of knowledge justifies methods used to obtain it. Many followers of Euphrenas are sorcerers as well. To Euphrenas, magic is simply another form of knowledge to be explored and catalogued. The knowledge they have acquired is valuable, but many Pantheon faithful look upon them with suspicion and doubt their loyalty because they always seem to hold some information in reserve. The Cult often work together with the Cult of Lan, since they want knowledge – perhaps of a different sort.
Duties of Worshipers Knowledge is power. Pay anything to gather knowledge, but pay no more than you must. Magic is the metaphysical manifestation of knowledge, and the study and control of it is paramount to success. Be careful and succinct with your words, for they give knowledge to others. Specialize in a specific subject to bring us greater knowledge as a whole. (This last portion has led to an abundance of obsessive individuals within the Euphrenas church.)
Garb: Cultists of Euphrenas dress as noblemen, sages, or wizards. They care little for others most of the time, instead concerned with their unquenchable thirst for new knowledge
Holy Places Libraries and most wizard towers are considered sacred to Euphrenas.
Holy Days TThe 4th of March is known as the Day of Remembrance, where Cultists of Euphrenas spend the day in contemplation of the last year. The Day of Puzzles & Intrigue follows, where each Cultist must find one puzzle or mystery to solve for the following year. Many high priests give out their charges on this day. Finally, the first week in June is known as the Week of Knowledge (apprenticing). During this week, new members of the church are given tests on their skills and efforts since the previous year and it is during this time that they most often rise in rank.
Euphrenas Codex: This monstrous volume is an exacting account of all things that have happened on Earth. Beyond comprehension and design, few can understand even a day’s chapter, let alone the entire book (which no living being has fully read). No magic detected (though it is highly magical). It also records every sorcery spell known to the world, as well as those that are known to be powerful for most Sorcerers.

Runes: Magic, Mastery.

Initiate Membership Standard. Must have a sorcery skill in three spells at least 30%

Cult Skills: Athletics, Craft (any), Lore (Magic), Lore (Alchemy) Lore (Euphrenas Theology), Enchantments, Persistence, Resilience, Sing, Weapon (any Small), Summoning

Cult Spells: Co–ordination, Countermagic, Dispel

Magic, Glamour, Strength, Versatility, Vigour.

Acolyte Membership

Requirements: Standard. Must have a sorcery skill in three or more spells at 50%

Runepriest Membership

Requirements: Standard. A candidate must have 90% or more in Athletics, plus 75% or more in four other cult skills and three sorcery spells.

Special Benefits Initiates of Euphrenas get a +10% bonus to any once skill of choice, when in direct pursuit of knowledge. Acolytes gain a +10% to any Sorcery spell each day. Runepriests automatically gain one sorcery spell of choice, with a casting skill starting at 50%.

Common Divine Magic: All

Special Divine Magic: Elder Knowledge, Flawless Scribe, Gaseous Messenger, Impossible Act, Magic Sight, See the Unseen.

Associated Cults: Josea, Tristar, Lan

NEW SPELLS (Runequest Spell Book)

Elder Knowledge

Duration Instant, Magnitude 0, Touch

This spell allows the caster to grant a single target a powerful bonus to any single Lore skill they wish to make – even if they do not already have the Lore skill in question. The spell funnels a good portion of information gathered over the millennia into the target, giving them a bonus to their next Lore test equal to the Magnitude of the spell x4. Neither the caster nor the target need have any points in the Lore being augmented.

Flawless Scribe

Duration 15, Magnitude 1, Touch

This spell allows the caster to flawlessly copy or render any document irrespective of its size or language. The caster must provide the writing implements and vellum/papyrus of a size equal to the original but by the end of the spell the quill, moving at phenomenal speed, will have completely and accurately copied the contents of the subject.

Gaseous Messenger

Duration Instant, Magnitude 0, Ranged

This Divine Voice is used by the caster to send a short message across the air to anyone he has met before. As long as the target is not protected from magical contact or in an airtight situation (underwater, for instance), the caster’s next 15 words reach the target in 2D6 minutes.

The target will see the wisp of smoke or cloud and hear the caster’s voice as it dissipates.

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