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  • RPG Biography
    GM & Player. Various genres and systems. I favour the abstract......
  • Current games
    Playing Starwars D6 and Pathfinder Kingmaker
  • Location
    Hampshire, England
  • Blurb
    I'd like to run some CoC.

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  1. Good write up. I find that sessions tend to run to about 3 hours anyway. I think that it is better to finish early on a cliff hanger or unanswered question than to to to run exactly to the time you have a lotted for game time. The longer they don't discuss the shared dream the better. When they realise that they are having shared dreams the impact will be greater and give a real "spooky" moment with hairs raised I am sure
  2. Ok. I may be missing something but can I pre-order the limited edition set in the box that is shown in the photograph here: http://www.chaosium.com/blog/call-of-cthulhu-seventh-edition-now-available-to-preorder-/ If so can someone post an easy link for me to place my order for the boxed edition? Cheers
  3. Hi Mike. That sounds ace. I have looked on the Chaosium website and can't see anywhere to throw my money. I watched the video of the box set. It looks awesome! Is there a pre-order? If so could you link it? Thanks
  4. I've just seen Todd's post and this could have been posted there. Pah. :S
  5. Hello, So which scenarios would be recommended for convention play? Ideally I'd be looking for something to run for 3-4 hours with a gentle start, ragged middle and climatic end (probably where everyone dies or goes insane as this is how all the games I have played in go!) Is there any plans on Chaosium creating convention one shots / specials such as this? Cheers
  6. I'd love to get a pre-order on one of these. Any idea of UK distributors? Maybe a bit premature but if is the Keepers screen getting a hard print too>? Cheers
  7. Thank you very much Mr.NClarke. I have indeed been reading the quick start rules with some vigour. Thank you also for the information relating to the ship. I have pirate friends in the Suez Canal and will see about accessing a copy........
  8. First forage into GMing CoC and an Organised Play situation. Should be good. No where can I get a hard copy of CoC 7th Ed in the UK? Cheers
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