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About this blog

In this blog I will be posting unedited notes and session reports from my Paladin campaign which used the real Paladin setting, i.e. the Crusades. The players knight were in the retinue of Boemondo of Taranto all the way from Apulia to Antioch (then the campaign took an unexpected turn).

Entries in this blog

Ruggero the Homeless, lord of Castro Minerva

As an example of Grandfather history generation and as background on the Normans...  Roberto d'Altavilla arrived in southern Italy in 1047 seeking fortune, accompanied by only five knights. He hoped his successful brothers would grant him a fief, but they refused. Determined, he sold his sword to the Lombard princes embroiled in their conflicts and began raiding their wealthy lands. Among Roberto's original retinue was Ruggero, known as the "Homeless." Ruggero fought alongs
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