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Terminator BRP



Terminator BRP

I am converting my Terminator RPG to BRP

As soon as i have a good amount of it ready i will upload it for anyone who wants to use, or modify or tweak it. its not perfect but i think it will point people in the basic direction. It will be completely free.

I will also be making some free 25mm scale papper minis techcom solidiers, Terminator endos and HK Tanks, and Aerial HK's, HK Centurians. And possibly others.

I will be free the only thing i ask is you keep it free also if you use it.

I have no means to do a liscence ,no funds for that.

the format will be jpeg images 8.5 x 11 inch, and possible some windows word documents.

I don't have the capability of making a PDF, i wish but if anyone has the ability to make it in PDF format for me i would like a copy. anyways im getting ahead of myself lol

vechicle scale compasion charts are just about done had to rescan them cause of computer data loss.:(

Aerial hk data sheet is nearly completed.

terminator stats for T-400,T-500,T-600,T-700,T-800,and T-850's are nearly completed.

still tweaking it a bit.


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lol some typos: above lol:

It will be free the only thing i ask is you keep it free also if you use it.

vechicle scale comparison charts are just about done had to rescan them cause of computer data loss.

lol my typos wil be the death of me someday lol.

Runs away before the typo police get here lol.

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