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Character sheets

New cybertech palm scanner BRP character sheet this is a unfinished version i posted on deviant art. So far only front is started, it looks good but its not the most practiclecharacter sheet, skills and other info will be on the second sheet. i know we dont really need it persay and its not as practicle as a full on stat sheet with no graphics! let me know what you think! http://therawfruityninja.deviantart.com/art/Scanner-BRP-character-sheet-153788365



new Terminator BRP stuff

HK Tank /ARIEL HK diagrams,charts + 2 versions of HK Trillobytes,aka Silverfish. My apologies for taking so long to post more terminator stuff. more to come soon! http://basicroleplaying.com/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=282



Conflict hit location and critical effects table

Conflict hit location and critical effects tables PDF is loaded into downloads section under game aids hopefully someone can use it. i swear i have so much stuff i could upload it boggles the mind! i keep find old rpg stuff i created i figure i might as well upload them and hopefully someone can use them especialy after all the years ,and time i put into them. anyways i hope it is handy for some one




TERMINATOR BRP PDF's I found a free pdf maker program so i have most of it in PDF file format now so i will try to upload them. I am to tired right now to upload but i will try to do it asap! wooooooooo hoooooooooo Terminator BRP PDF's:D



terminator brp new additions

I added hk tank diagrahms designed by james cameron, drawn by Steve Burg. also hk tank 250 a stats early model. also terminator stats skills notes etc.



Terminator basic brp stats are up!!

Terminator basic brp stats are up!! t400 up to t850 endos,infiltraitors:D if you have questions feel free to ask me. coming soon hk tanks,ariel hk, hk centurian, trilobytes and more terminator stats t-900,t-1000, tx terminatrix also techcom solidier rank types Alpha threw Omega. as well as common equipment carried by each type or sub type. sometime in the future i will be working on stats and stuff from the new terminator movie Ever wonder why in the first movie the hk tanks w



yah i may have what your looking for

if your looking for specific creature stats, or other things not in the cthulhu, or brp books send me a email odds are i have something. Ok i have some of the Terminator BRP completed so far scale comparison and some paper minis. the terminator stats are in text files. I am not sure how to upload i am new to this . So all i have is a album of images scale comparisons and paper minis 25mm scale. also t-800 fan art by me. anyways i hope you like it. check out my terminator brp album, to see




OK THE FIRST PARTS OF TERMINATOR BRP ARE UP! IN my picture album listed terminator brp:) so far just my t-800 art and some scale comparison charts and terminator papper minis! Some of you may argue with my size comparison charts however i went by original artwork sketches, Also used movie stills and videogame data, as far as i can tell i have it fairly accurate! Future plans will include terminator stats ,25-28mm 3D scale paper models of hk's, centurians and ahk's. Weapons st



Terminator BRP

Terminator BRP I am converting my Terminator RPG to BRP As soon as i have a good amount of it ready i will upload it for anyone who wants to use, or modify or tweak it. its not perfect but i think it will point people in the basic direction. It will be completely free. I will also be making some free 25mm scale papper minis techcom solidiers, Terminator endos and HK Tanks, and Aerial HK's, HK Centurians. And possibly others. I will be free the only thing i ask is you keep it free al



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