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The Lyksos Campaign



The Lyksos mini-campaign is intended as a step-by-step tutorial for these rules. It is based on Harald Smith's Nochet, Queen of Cities, and in particular the adventurer's guide  (N:AG).

It is designed to be run interleaved with RQ:G character creation, so that characters emerge through play, start out knowing each other. By default, when going through the first two steps of family history, it is suggested to pick an answer by consensus.  This means the players will have a common authority, their House Grandmother, who can 'ask' them to do any dangerous task. If GM and players desire a more complex dynamic, players can deviate from that consensus.

Characters are 11-12 in the first scenario, 13-14 in the second,and 15-16 in the last. So to create characters who will be 21 years old in the default RQ:G starting date of 1625, they should be born in 1604, initiating at age 16 in 1620. 

Only minor changes would be required to set it elsewhere or at a different time.

  • Step 1: Homeland - set to Nochet  (as in N:AG). Nochet and Esrolia should be briefly described.
  • Scenario 1: Childhood Games (uses only the Opposed Roll and Tiebreak mechanics)
  • Step 2a: Family History. Use N:AG entry Evil Year (1616).
  • Scenario 2: Voria's Race (uses the Structured Contest mechanics)
  • Step 2b: Family History. Use N:AG entry Red Earth (1619), and select house correspondingly.
  • Step 3: Rune affinities
  • Scenario 3: Grace Temple (uses Heroquest mechanics)
  • Step 2c: Family History. Use N:AG entries Great Winter (1621)
  • Step 3a: Quick Character background table from N:AG.
  • Step 4: Characteristics (allow assigning dice rolls to characteristics)
  • Step 2d: Family History. Use N:AG entry  Queen Samastina (1622)
  • Step 5: Occupation
  • Step 2e: Family History. Use N:AG entries  Siege of Nochet (1623)
  • Step 6: Cult
  • Step 7: Personal Skill Bonuses
  • Step 2f: Family History. Use N:AG entry  Dragonrise (1625)
  • Step 8: Other Information

Cradle Of Heroes is recommended for doing the bookkeeping of character creation, ideally after the session. Within it, is only necessary to note down choices made.

As all three scenarios take place interleaved with character creation, in the course of each scenario, players may state they wish to use abilities they will only actually gain at  later step. When they do so, they pick the rating of that ability, subject to a scenario-specific cap. This represents a commitment to raise the skill to that level by the end of character creation.

For example, when playing  street game, a player decides that their character will be large for their age, and gain an ability at 60%. They play the game using that ability, barging their characters out of the way. When it is time to roll and assign characteristics, they must assign at least a 12 to their SIZ (as characteristic-based abilities multiply the value of the characteristic by 5). When they reach adulthood, they will be at least as large as they were at age 12, and likely larger.

Experience checks earned during all scenarios should be rolled after character creation is complete, and only if all commitments were met. 





Edited by radmonger

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