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Scenario 1: Childhood Games



This short cameo is designed to introduce players to the basics of the rules in a low-threat environment. Player characters are 11 or 12 year old children in Nochet (N:AG), the largest city in all Glorantha.  At the start of play, nothing else is known about them; they will gain characteristics and skills during play.

In Nochet, children of that age spend their morning doing chores, and evening with their families. But for much of the afternoon, they are free to play in the streets. The games they play vary wildly; TrueToss is described in N:AG. But this morning, the game being played is Dormal the Sailor.

This is a version of the real-world playground game British Bulldog. Two areas of land, marked by whatever is available, are separated by a sea. One player is the wizard, and the others are sailors. The sailors must make it from land to land, and the wizard must stop them. Any sailors who fail to make it to land become sea monsters, and must assist the wizard in capturing the other sailors. Once only one sailor is left, they are declared to be Dormal the Sailor, and win the game. 

Picking the Wizard

Being the wizard is generally unpopular, as it offers no chance to win the game. But the game can't be played without one. There is no standard method for doing this, and it often devolves into argument.

Each player should  be asked if they are willing to play the wizard. If there is exactly one volunteer, they get the role. Otherwise, there will be an opposed toll to either get to be the wizard, or (more likely) avoid having to be it.

Reasons for being the wizard might include that they are smart, can read, or 'someone has to step up'. 

Reasons for not being the wizard might include that they are popular, intimidating, or 'their grandmother owns this street'. 

Each such reason should be rated by the player on a scale of 10 to 60, and then mapped by the GM to a RQ:G characteristic, skill, passion or relationship. 

All contestants then do an opposed roll, using the ability value picked above, and applying the tiebreak rule. Depending on what is being rolled for, either the winner or loser becomes the wizard. 

The wizard must kick off the game by declaring 'I am Zzabur the Mighty, and this sea is Closed'. 



Noone volunteers to be the wizard.

Mirava's player declares that she is lucky (40). The GM notes that that corresponds to a minimum POW of 8. They roll 45 on the D100 and 12 on the D20, a failure but not a fumble.

Noravald's player declares that he is popular (60), and so would never be picked. The GM notes that that corresponds to a minimum CHA of 12. They roll 55/5, a normal success.

Javara's player declares that she can't be a wizard, as she has a knife (40), and wizards can't use weapons. The GM notes that that corresponds to a dagger skill of 40. They roll 74/20, a failure, but not a fumble

Noravald wins, as they are the only one to succeed. Using the tiebreak rule Javara comes second, as they rolled the highest. Mirava is third and last, so they become the wizard.

Capturing the Sailors

This involves more opposed rolls, using the same rules. For each round, contestant may declare they are using a new ability, or repeat one used earlier. No ability taken can exceed 60, and the total of all abilities cannot exceed 200. Magical abilities, including rune affinities, may not be taken.


Note that Javara would not be able to use the dagger skill they declared above, as no-one would play with anyone trying to stab them.

Both capturing a sailor and avoiding capture might involve sheer size, strength, speed, grapple skill, tactics, quoting precedent or myth, cooperating with another player or anything else the player can think of.

All contestants do an opposed roll based on their selected ability, using the tiebreak rule.

Each contestant on the wizard's side may capture one sailor who rolled worse than them. They become a sea monster for future rounds.

Declaring a Winner

If a round ends with only one sailor remaining, they win. If all sailors are captured during a single round, the one who rolled best wins, representing the one who got furthest. In the rare case of a true tie (equal success level and same number rolled), an argument breaks out over who exacty won. This can be resolved by another roll.

Either way all the sailors are freed, and cheer the winner and jeer the wizard.

Sometimes a game is just a game, and grants no secret magical powers or rewards. But a character who wins this game and later joins the cult of Dormal the Sailor gets +10% to a cult favored passion.

All contestants who succeeded at a roll should tick the corresponding checkbox for experience gains. As a special rule, given the characters are growing children characteristics as well as skills may be so checked. These checks will be rolled for after character creation.

Further Games

The GM may ask players to describe other games they played as children. These should be translated into a sequence of opposed rolls, and optionally given a mythical veneer.






Edited by radmonger

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