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My latest game setting is a post apocalyptic mutant filled superhero game, set on a new continent called Pacifica. The creation of the continent by a geological anomaly caused huge changes to the planets weather due to large scale vulcanism and the dumping of dust and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. A limited nuclear war has raged due to the famines caused and attempts to annex resources to build arcologies for the remaining populace to live in. The date is 2060, and Americans fleeing the radiation in their blasted country have created a new city on the continent of Pacifica. But the new land holds secrets of its own.

And why is the superhero cyborg known as Kron weaving a huge sphere of carbon nanotubes around a nuclear weapon? Is the Tech Guardian priesthood being infiltrated by some dangerous cult? And will Neo Nihon be able to defend itself against the huge reptilian monster when someone has stolen the megamecha that is their only line of defence? (Thanks to Seneschal for his sentai team write up, it came in handy). Who stole it and why?

I'd answer these questions but my players would read them and it wouldn't be fun playing in my game.;-D


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Superheroes and mecha is a lovely juxtaposition. But I need a copy of Roadstriker to inspire some smaller mechage for the villains and heroes. :/

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A giant mecha and Godzilla, and various superheroes, versus a whole gaggle of hounds of Tindalos, and their leader left several supers dead and a smashed up mecha but a nuke finished off the hounds. What's not to like? LOL My players enjoyed it but were a bit mindblown. :) 

Edited by Conrad
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A giant mecha and Godzilla, and various superheroes versus a whole gaggle of hounds of Tindalos, and their leader left several supers dead and a smashed up mecha but a nuke finished off the hounds. What's not to like? LOL My players enjoyed it but were a bit mindblown. :) 

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