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Ethereal last won the day on March 12 2015

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  • RPG Biography
    Since 1980
  • Current games
    Runequest II
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    Portland, Oregon
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  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkmoon_(role-playing_game) https://stormbringerrpg.com/hawkmoon-the-roleplaying-game-mongoose-publishing-2007/
  2. In regards to your second question, I would recommend three resources. While I am not a game creator I am a writer. When I was taking writing classes, one of the things the instructor emphasized was research. So I recommend 1) ‘Warfare in the Classical World by John Wary. (Available on Amazon in PDF, Paperback and Hardback ) https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Warfare+classical+world+Salamander&i=prime-day&crid=39OEML3C66VD1&sprefix=warfare+classical+world+salamander%2Cprime-day%2C126&ref=nb_sb_noss 2) Two magazines, same publisher. https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/products/ancient-history-magazine-49?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=Karwansaray%20Publishers%20Newsletter%20-%20April%2024th%202024&utm_medium=email https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/products/ancient-warfare-xiv-4 The reason I recommend Ancient warfare in both resources is that while weapons may change, Tactics and Logistics are quite often many times more important than even Esprit De Corp. By reading up on Ancient Warfare and Weapons I have been able to adjust my stories to fit the scenario. 3) A book by Rory Miller called “Violence” a Writers Guide. Available on Amazon in the same 3 formats. I have found this an excellent resource for Combat. Hope this helps. https://www.amazon.com/Violence-Writers-Second-Rory-Miller-ebook/dp/B00CWGH46I/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1IJXQRCDQY20S&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VnIFPz_u1KNx7hRj7HfstU3TaMykz_6rC1c9Nre4i3U.JpS7b_IBTxFI3urtHNujvTGEsUUBAju-LPVXLDLkEFg&dib_tag=se&keywords=violence+a+writer's+guide+rory+miller&psr=PDAY&qid=1721154595&s=prime-day&sprefix=violence+a+writers+guide+rory+miller%2Cprime-day%2C130&sr=1-1
  3. I don't know if this is what you are looking for but "The Design Mechanism" Has character sheets on their website. https://thedesignmechanism.com/character-sheets/ 8 of their games.
  4. I have noticed similiarities between Glorantha myths and Spiritualism. I think he used many Earth Myths to give a varied and interesting world.
  5. Thank you Clarence for the Charts. 😊(A Quick Location Generator for any RPG)



  6. I tend to agree with these comments. I also would like to point out that the word Adventure' could also be used or combined with another word like 'Adventure Segement'. I checked an online Thesaurus with the word module and it gave some words that may work for you. So while I agree with another person that the word module is archic, language and meanings of words will change. Kinda like playing Postman through generations. 'Postman refers to the game children play of whispering in another persons ear and the next person does into another's ear and so on until it travels completely around a group and back to the first person. Then the children look at how the meaning and the words changed. Kinda like gossip.) Example using the words I used would be 'An adventure segment for Starship 'Argo'. (Argo was the name of the ship in the Greek Mythlogy 'Jason and the Argonauts'. Just some thoughts.
  7. After The Vampire Wars is still available through The Design Mechanism https://thedesignmechanism.com/print-publications/?page=5 for 29.99 + shipping And Applicable Tax. That includes Hard copy and PDF. Drivethru also sells the PDF (no hard copy.) 12.99.
  8. After reading all the comments, I remembered a game I acquired back in 1975 when I had not heard of RPG's but I did like Avalon hill games. I was in Korea and most G.I.'s spent their free time (at least on the post I was stationed) doing other things. The magazine 'ARES' advertised two play by mail games, by Shubel and Son. 'Tribes of Crane' and 'Starmaster'. So I subscribed to ‘Starmaster’ and played it by mail. Back then computers were expensive and little known or played with. Now a majority of people can play very similar games on computers. So the game mechanics were done by hand and so grew very expensive very fast and as my pay grade wasn’t that high I quit after a few months. The comments on this subject reminded me of that game. In the rule book I received there was a chart for creating aliens. There was no anthromorph, but there was a chart and you chose the characteristics for your alien race. The chart listed those characteristics on a 100 point basis mental/physical/communication/senses. I created a race called the ‘Gar’ra’vachi’. I don’t remember a lot about most of the characteristics, but to get something you wanted in your aliens you pick those characteristics to a maximum of your hundred points. If you wanted something additional you had to give up something. In my case I remember wanting the aliens to have a poison tail, retractable poison claws and a poison bite. But to get that I had to give up some agility. They had no ankles or wrists. So their feet and hands were basically an extension of their lower legs and lower arms. It was an interesting creative process.
  9. Other Suns was never owned by FGU. Niall Shapero owns it. When I talked to Niall a few years ago he told me he still has and never gave up the rights to Other Suns. I tried to see if he would reprint it and he said no. By not giving up his rights to Other Suns he did not go through Legal issues that other creators associated with FGU (Fantasy Games Unlimited) did. Ex: "Space Opera" and "Villains and Vigilantes". As for Similarities Niall said that Steve Perrin helped develop/helped him when he was creating it. They were friends. As a GM though I found that "Worlds of Wonder" 'Future World' was my favorite to run. I'm more of a Sandbox GM. As others have made suggestions to similar space RPG's already I would like to add one more. 'Worlds Beyond' by https://www.pigames.net/store/default.php . It is not BRP but very similiar. Instead of 8 characteristics it has 9. 4 primary races. Dolf (lizard like), Human, Sher'tazi (Insect-like, 8 limbs) and Swarr (Cat-like). Furries don't bother me. With advances in genetics (Up-lift/Neo species) and Animal/Artificial Intelligence combinations) anything is possible.
  10. Myself while I am an older gamer (since 1978) and have all the books mentioned + others, I like to use the RQ Encounter Generator and tweek any creatures listed if needed there. This thread gives information on it. The web site itself has Templates as well so you can create your own creatures or modify them. If you look around on the website you can find Mythras and other similiar BRP/D100 references to other Games with monsters/Aliens/etc. Legend, https://notesfrompavis.blog/ .
  11. Question? Will there be Pre-Rolled Characters for new players unused to the game or playing online?
  12. The Following is a discussion in Forums in general regards to your question. Hope this helps.
  13. As an older Player/GM I started playing RunestQuest with Edition 2. I would recommend buying Editition 2 and one or more of the supplements to go with it. Snake pipe hollow was the first adventure I played in. The rulebook had everything one needed to start playing and run a game except an adventure. Whenever I introduce new players to Runequest, I always run RQ2. Then if they want to play another version, I go with RQ3 (Avalon Hill), RQ4 (Unpublished, played in, never run.), and Mongoose versions. A friend ran RQG, but I found it slow and overly complicated to get started playing. Maybe with the starter set (which I have acquired) it would be easier, but no one I know is currently running it. On Chaosiums website and Drivthru there are multiple supplements, adventures and the rule book for RQ2. Somewhere on BRP Central there is a listing of all the versions and supplements for Runequest. (except perhaps RQ4: Adventures in Glorantha, as it was never published). The ones I myself have used most have been 'Duck Pond' and 'Duck Tower' by Judges Guild. (Can also include 'City of Lei Tabor' and 'Broken Tree Inn') which gives a good layout for creating your own sandbox adventures. Unfortunately long out of print. Don't get discouraged about what you have to wait for, explore what is available and have fun.
  14. I play in one of these games. Before Covid I ran an RQ2 game at Guardian games in Portland. Don't drive much, so Playing in ffliz's game is nice using Roll20 and Discord. There are a couple of other GM's in Portland who have run RQ but I have lost track of them. In regards to getting others interested in RQ I started with a group playing D&D, then when the DM moved on or lost interest I took over, but I wanted to run RQ so they played RQ. Some enjoyed it some didn't. Depended on how adventureous they were. D&D plays along traditional Mythologies, where as RQ is a Mythology in itself. "The Portland Game Store" in North Portland and "Guardian Games" in Portland both used to allow Gamers play in their stores before Covid. Now I don't know you would have to inquire as to what is available.
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