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Dark moon Chronicles- setting- LF-GM'S AND PLAYERS



Dark moon Chronicles- setting and info

here I well post my writings- some very rough of the Dark Moon setting - Chronology and story as well as setting information-

The Dark Moon Chronicles are an alternate present and future of the end time as it where but more so about humanities struggle to carrie on.

some part are cross overs - with heavy game flavor of normal but adventures coming from our present time to help save the race of Man kine of Menikine as there called in one setting.

I have set it up else where on other blog but I well repost it so you do not have to look for it.

Dark Moon Chronicles.

so again I am ready to write, I am doing up the Darkmoon Chronicles a muti- gene setting. its horror /fantasy/adventure but it has several tiers.

Gravequest: secret organization fight the future of the dark moon and its agents and cults as it draws near.

Baddlands gunsmoke and steam fantasy : the arrival of the dark moon has ushered in a global fight against Laxivon empire and Humans, who have nothing but steam tech to fight the Sorcerors of the old ones.

Avalaughn the raise of man: Man has been conquered for a thousand years- but some Gods well not let man die out and help to bring heros from the past to the future to fight the Sorcery servants of the old ones.

Gate City :Sadazar the ethereal byway: In the ethereal drifts a cosmopolitan of exotic species and cultures fighting against the servants of the Great old ones, as they themselves ply the hiways and byways of time and space looting and raiding and Trading for tools and equipment trade goods and food to keep the ethereal city fighting on


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THE SIMPLE VERSION or the pitched version is Grave Quest is a horror thriller setting set up as a secret organization which lead people though the occult world looking for true monsters and initiating pople into occult fighters, then it ether incorporates them into the organization or pass them onto specific type that send over to three other settings.

Badlands is the near future of a post catastrophic setting of earth after invasion by the Laxion - an off shoot of the Serpent people < but thier not serpents their more like dino people>

because of the advance science ,sorcery. of the Laxivon the poeple of Earth are set to fighting with steam age weapons and magic as they understand it. this last 400 years as the Laxivon slowly mutate captured humans into other species ,< Thonisz " Elven">, sytirs , Centuars, minatuars, Deep ones, Angels, Devils, mutants of all sorts and verities. out of attrition and reources the human Race losses the war and Laxivon take over the earth 1000 years into the future, then The Older servent races over through the serpent people and thier Dragons lords and revolt and war and with in 100 years Laxivons and hidden or eradicated or assimilated as a equal species among species.

then the Thonisz betray every one and attempt to take over the world , but fail and settle for 15th of it. then come an uprising 2000 years into the future as The humans riase up on thier mutant masters and form a new kingdom called Avalon/Avolaughn - fighting for ever inch the humans are on the rise again. this is 2000-2200 year into the future.

Sadazar the gate city is out of space in time set adrift inthe winds and waves of the ethereal space gate city is the home or vacation spot for every know species in the cosmos, some gods have even retired to gate city. it is in a continuous battle with cthuhluoids and other other worldly beings and species just to survive- it is the trading post and sanctuary of the whole mortal and immortal species. Gate city was founded by those being who learned to use ancient relics of time and space Wizard, Sorcerors and Godlings these being brought their entourage- who brought thier Families and before long a city and then a whole world like isle floated in thier ether with great demands on those who could travel food water and many basic item had to be shipped into the city leading to a war of resources eventually the people won and threw the lord of the relics of time and space out, and they built vessels that could traverse the ethereal like the water or roads of terrestial worlds., the Brajuris Vessel was name after an artificer names Cliyne Brajuris- Her basic principles have carried on to this day- as the guilds send out verious size Brajuris Vessels to trade and raid and capture supplies for the City.

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here is

Hello my name Is Christopher Lee House I am the Arthur for Dark Moon Chronicles novel.

I am looking for some one to write the rpg setting, why I do not do it, one I am to close to the work.

two I am writing the novel, I want to write it with an rpg setting in mind, thus I want a game mechanic in mind when I write the story and how

my character well work magic and sorcery and technology.

now as a writer I know how this can be done, but it dawn on me would it not fare better if my book and a rpg setting where both released close to one another?

the Novel is a cross over piece with lots of fantastic alternate world and realities. I my self play BRP and CoC , and Dungeons and Dragons 1-3rd editions

so It has feed my writing, I would like to see if your group would be interesting in working with me on this project?

I well send over all my back notes and the story as it develops you can send me over what info you have developed and possible other question that I would not think of for an novel but important for an rpg.

sort of like when tsr did the first Dragon lance novels-

I have six months left to write. then proof and then rewrite and then set. so this could give you plenty of time if your interested to develop and the world as I have, a joint venture could make both of use successful. please let me know as soon as you can.

By the way I originally was going to split the Dark Moon up into several books but my editor pointed out the story was better when it was all completed in real time, with the cross over and all included.

what is Dark Moon you ask?

Here is the synopsis

Dark Moon Chronicles is the struggle of the Human race as its battles forces from beyond time and space. this battle last over four thousand years as a cast of hundred tell their view and place in a story that well change the human race and the cosmos.

there is not start but we learn that in our present a secret organization called grave quest is orchestrating an underground game that initiates young people and other into the occult world, some disappear other join the organizations and other just die. who is behind the grand skull keepers and their game of Grave quest? and what is the Dark Moon that keeps appearing in all the literature ?

NASA . DHS, N.S.A. and several extra ordinary people want to know as they hunt down secrets of grave quest, as those at NASA know they are soon to be the host to a large spherical object heading toward the earth in a near miss orbital cycle, but as the object grows closer science and technology start to malfunction and strange bizarre things are taking place all over the earth. while just two hundred years into the future humans struggle in a war with Alien invaders with nothing more then steam age weapons and old frontier style tactics. The war is over, who well rule the earth.

while close encounters and alien abductions have been the mythos of modern day earth for more then fifty years the truth is stranger even so as flying ships and other strange vessels visit the earth for raid trade and loot, only to find out that a city out side of time and space is fighting a never ending war against those from Beyond, and they need resources that their guilds and Vessels scavenge for across the cosmos. two thousand years into earth history the war against the Aliens Sorceries are lost and humans are near extinct , when heroic figure reemerge to lead the Human species to rise a second time. The World more fantastic then any dreamed of. A world ThaT changed and so has its two billion occupants INTO satyrs and centaurs and minotaur's as well as Other species of humanoids. this is the Dark Moon Chronicles and the question is well the human SPECIES PERISH OR CONTINUE ON IN THESE NEXT FOUR THOUSAND YEARS.

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by the way this is what I have written as of 3:55 pm to day

the first draft so be warned but for some of you this might be interesting

The birds over head sound the cries of children.

The day is gone and all is left is the oily residue of the night and its shinny lights called stars. There is the emptiness we call our lives we hear the Call of something distant and peaceful, is it our own death that calls us, to bed in its wings of shadow, to lay in its robes of night. We fear the end, we hear the almost siren call of the eternal. It all happens so quickly the sudden burst of youth and the speeding trails of miss spent adventure and gifts. There in the still quiet lays the angry air, the heated breath of our mortality.

Denison was a little railroad town that once for a fleeting decade tasted Greatness and now - many, many decades later – it still longed for it again, like a drunk after their bottle. It had been a weird few weeks, what with the Disappearance of several young adults last week and then no one had made it real clear what exactly had happen to Charles Carr one of the missing young adults , Belinda, who is Charles Mother reported him and his roommate Brad missing week ago. Then Daniel Monarch went missing too.

Daniel Monarch Who worked for The law Firm of Christophe and Martin last summer while in Chicago, had gone missing that very same evening along with Tosha Hertz and Robert smith. Howard L Christophe has little more knowledge of the subject not only was Howard a lawyer he was what some would call a sorcerer. Howard had known Daniel as little on the short side for the average teen with sandy brown hair and blue eyes he was classified as a official cutie by the Girls attending Denison High school, but Daniel had one Critical flaw he was a straight A student and a player of Dungeoneers and Dragon slayers. Howard also knew that There was a spiral note book found on the scene in Charles own hand writing telling some bizarre nightmare tale, of him and his friends Brad Hill, Daniel Monarch Tosha Hertz, and Robert smith. It seemed they all played a Game called Gravequest.

Mr. Howard L Christophe Flew all the way from New Orleans to consult with his partner Mr. Martin who where acting on behalf of the Carr Family as there Lawyers. This game Called Grave Quest was now banned here at the high school and at the local College.

Was there something sinister about Gravequest?

Why were all the Players disappearing?

Howard Lewis Christophe and his partner Chris Martian where going out of their way , to help their clients of the missing youth, both practiced law in other states, Howard in new Orleans Louisiana and Chris Martian in Chicago Illinois. It is said that they where a father and son team and where very strange and mysterious about their methods.

Howard was a man in his late sixties with peper hair and a three piece suit, with the kind of face that was a road map ot his life. A hard and troubled life it must have been too. Chris was a young and exuberant man in his late thirties with dark hair and brown eyes, thin as a bean pole and where a vest and coat suit, but never ever was found except in court to wear the coat.

A space was rented out to the lawyers on main street where the old Drugstore and soda fountain use to be, all that was done to the place was a large sheet of butcher paper place over the long tall glass and tables and chairs moved in the old drug store.. I guess the lawyers didn’t much like the ideal of people standing at the glass staring at them, as if they where a new show on the tube or some with questioning eyes asking what now?

In the Drug store now empty except for a few filoe boxes and three tables made into desk and a few old office chairs possible bought from a second store or goodwill. Butcherpaper on the tall window pains, and two men and a young adult female from the local are working as phone receptionist filer and official goffer. The Young girl is Penny Weston just graduated from Denison high with typing skills and pleasant phone voice, her dream she says is to go to Toulane in New Orleans and get a degree in Liberal arts. The two men are Howard Christophe and Chris Martian, lawyers here to help with families of youth who have gone missing. They are also here to help find the youth and protect them if something sinsister or criminal has been involved, they are doing this all pro bono , that means free no charge. Why you ask would successful lawyers would work for free? Well that is another story that well possible be told later. For now chris and Howard who is in his Sixities and Chris who is in his thirties set across from one another at larges table drinking Tea and chris who is drinking a soda, are talking.

So says Howard have you read the spiral yet, that was found at Charles Carr’s apartment?

Yes I just finished it last night, I had Penny make copies of it so the police can have the original back. I well say the police here in Denison are way more coroperative then I am use to from an state agency. Said Chris as he sips his soda.

Yes replies Howard they are very forth coming with their investigation, I think there a little desperate and rattled by the whole Grave quest thing. I wonder if there are others who are playing this game in town.

Chris starches and rubs his eyes and says if there is they are keeping their heads down and not saying a word to the police. But the spiral book that Charles left his poems and notes and journeyed in is very methodic. I think We have an professional or a very strong secret organization here. One that is not so mundane or innocent as one would first be lead to beleave. Howard raises an eyebrow as if this too has occurred to him too.

Do you think some of our other associates might find this interesting? ,asked Chris

Or does this have other over tunes of more extra ordinary influences? Chris continues not waiting for Howard to answer, more in line of thought. I think we might need to ask someone here with very specific talents.

Penny who was busy fileing way just across the room had come to the conclusion that Howard and Chris where very formal with each other, and if they where son and father seemed to be very distent from one another. Then again she had only just started three days ago. She knew Chris Martian from her Friends in Chicago Kaylin and Amanda who Who live in the northern section of Chicago in an old Mansion, they were currently establishing a school for of all things gifted and talented youths. She knew Chris was also very Passionate but when he got around Howard , it was the facts and nothing but the facts. Oh well that she guessed was why Chris was in Chicago and Howard in new Orleans.

Penny set the papers she was filing to the photo copier and scanned them all into the digital file as well, as she did Chris stood up and asked Howard ; do you want anything I got to go talk to that talent I was mentioning. Howard stood himself and said ok but I think I want to see into other matters, so let’s cloud up the stream as it is? Chris frowned he knew Howard had a few talents himself concerning forecasting and reading, but he was not sure he wanted him dipping into them so early.that when Chris noticed penny! Chris waved Howard over, Howard wlaked stiffly over to Chris, chris gently pointed to ward penny, who was busy scanning the papers from the files. Did you as her to do that? Chris asked in In a low voice.

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Hello my name Is Christopher Lee House, and I am the author for the novel The Dark Moon Chronicles. I am looking for someone to write this into an RPG setting. I know, the question of the hour is "Why not do it myself?" Well, first I am too close to the work, and second I am writing the novel. I want this written with the game mechanic in mind. Originally, I was going to split the Dark Moon up into several books but my editor pointed out the story was better when it was all completed in real time, with the cross over and all included.

My characters and the setting work well with magic and sorcery and technology. Now, as a writer I know how this can be done, but it dawned on me - would it not fare better if my book and the rpg setting were both released close to one another?

The novel is a cross over piece with lots of fantastic alternate world and realities. I my self play BRP and CoC , and Dungeons and Dragons 1-3rd editions, all of which feeds my writing. I would like to see if your group would be interesting in working with me on this project. I will send over all my back notes and the story as it develops, and you can send me over what info you have developed, as well as any other questions (especially ones I may not have thought of) that are important for an RPG. I look at this rather like TSR did with the first Dragonlance novels.

I have six months left to write, then proof, then rewrite and then layout. This would give you plenty of time (if you are interested) to develop the setting lines for the world as I have. We could both be successful with this joint venture.

What is Dark Moon you may ask?

Here is the synopsis

Dark Moon Chronicles is the struggle of the Human race as it battles forces from beyond time and space. Over the four thousand years, a cast of hundreds provide their views and their place in a story that will change the human race and the cosmos.

We learn that in our present, a secret organization called Grave Quest orchestrates an underground game that initiates young people - and others - into the occult world. Some disappear and others join the organization, and other just die. Who is behind the Grand Skull Keepers and the game of Grave Quest? What is the Dark Moon that keeps appearing in all the literature?

NASA, DHS, N.S.A. and several extra-ordinary people want to know more about this Dark Moon as they hunt down secrets of Grave Quest. NASA knows they are soon to be the host to a large spherical object heading toward the earth in a near miss orbital cycle. As the object grows closer, science and technology begins to malfunction; strange and bizarre things are taking place all over the earth. This is Grave Quest.

Two hundred years into the future, humans struggled in a war with alien invaders, having nothing more then steam-age weapons and frontier-style tactics. When the war is over, who will rule the earth? this is the Bad Lands setting

Close encounters and alien abductions have been the mythos of modern day earth for more then fifty years the truth is even stranger. Flying ships and other strange vessels visit the earth for raid, trade and loot, only to find out that a city out side of time and space is fighting a never ending war against those from Beyond. This city and it's denizens need resources for their guilds and their vessels scavenge for across the cosmos. this is Called Sadazar Gate City.

Two thousand years into earths history, the war against the alien sorceries are lost and humans are near extinction, and heroic figures begin to emerge, leading human species to rise a second time. This world more fantastic then any dreamed of, a world that is greatly changed. It's denizens are satyrs, centaurs and minotaurs - and that's the most benign of them! This is Avolaughn: the second rise of Man

all these have characters crossing over to and from as the story spread over the four thousands years gap in the Cthuhlu Mythos of earth future.

This is the Dark Moon Chronicles and the question is how will the human species survival into the next four thousand years?

Contact info




Christopher Lee House and Anne House

134 Lemon ln Willis Va 24380

419-438-6686/540-789-5019 after five pm please do to work from home line

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i also run a Family Game based on the Dark Moon setting; My Wife Anne , My son Tanner, And my Daughter Caellan all play in the setting.

Also Paul and Elizabeth play in the game as well.

The story so far

During War of the Wings Caellan< she is 19> get a visit during a camp fire story season from a tall lengthy beauty of Male youth with long blond hair and in perfect period garb of Harlequin, who resits poetry of a prophetic nature, later that night during a full moon she find her camp being ransacked by to Elvish children who steal her Bow arrows and drinking horn, when they spot her they flee and Caellan dose give chase. . . . . . (good chase music right about now), and the Elivsh children who look no older then seven or eight start shooting at her and barely snag her Dress at the shoulder , but she still is hurt that when she accidentally spot the Horned hunter, that when the Elvish children drop the horn and bow and arrow when they too see the horned hunter. Caellan grabs her stuff says neither a curse nor a blessing and hides , from the hunter who smells Caellan and start hunting for her, Caellan is a Fair archer takes aim and fires a arrow and scores a Critic and get the hunter in the lungs under the ribs with an arrow , as he lay dyeing Caellan come to the hunter and nether curse or bless him and take from the hunter his silver bow, the hunter tell Caellan to end him where he will not suffer, and she take her Dagger and slits his Throat, < do remember this guy looks like a giant of a man with antler horns and bronze skin with hound eyes and a pointy face and buck ears, Caellan hunters and is a pagan who or the Northern shaman religion in real life she kind of hard>

I still made her make a sanity check- because of the Dream like issue with the Fae. she passed! she stumbles back to the camp where every one is looking for her and collapse's into her Bed. end part one August 31

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