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Posts posted by TrvShane

  1. Over n RPG.net the user Stormraven, who does really good detailed ‘where I read’ threads, is polling for the next one. RQ:G is in the lead, but any folks here that have RPG.net accounts can vote and increase the chance. It would be nice to get a real detailed look at RQ:G on a busy site.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Godlearner said:

    "Vegetarianism" just does not fit in a fantasy type setting, including Glorantha, especially as a dietary restriction. 

    Considering that Glorantha is a cube floating in water, there are walking plant people, widespread spellcasters, rock-eating trolls, and stories about mountains having babies, being vegetarian doesn’t even register on my setting weirdness scale.

    I’m genuinely curious what it is about vegetarianism in setting that allows you to accept the more fantastical elements but not that? It’s an interesting place for YGWV to occur.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    Yes, that is how I am playing it. If I say that someone is under my protection then nobody else in the party can touch them. If they do then they feel the wrath of a healer, but I have not yet worked out what that means. I do have a little book that I am writing names in, though.


    If a CA healer in good standing happens to mention that a given person is the sort of dishonourable cur who attacks people under CA protection that person's reputation will suffer and their own cults are likely to take a dim view of them - after all the protection is something any of them could need one day and is only as good as how widely it is recognised and respected.

    Words may well be your healer's best weapons. Even a simple "I cannot vouch for this person's honour" in a given interaction will carry huge weight coming from a CA healer.

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  4. I like Passions because they ground the character in the specific setting as experienced by that table. They link the characters to parts of the game and provide mechanical heft to those relationships.

    They are also a way of the player communicating to the GM the kind of things that matter to the character, and a way of the GM identifying conflicts that will grab the player. If I give my character a high honour passion, I sure as hell want to play in situations where my honour matters - either where it serves me well or puts me in interesting dilemmas.

    White Bull spoliers:


    The White Bull campaign shows this perfectly with Garan's honour and vows causing him to take risks because it is in him character to do so rather than expedient option (no surprise attacks /ambushes, and facing a dragon head on which is risky as hell). Likewise with Nisk and his small conflict of Argrath vs Colymar loyalty affecting how he favours Laika over Kallyr to the group's detriment in terms of Kallyr's trust and arguably the impact on Sartar through the failed Lightbringer Quest.


    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/20/2021 at 9:26 PM, Rick Meints said:

    Book 2: World of Glorantha is 64 pages.

    This is the bit I am most interested in. I treated myself to the slip cases of the game and the guide at Essen a few years back, and have played a few games as a player. But Glorantha is soooooo big that I’m hoping this will be the first step product that covers the setting in a newbie-friendly manner for me to get comfortable enough to actually run it.

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