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The Crazy Red Scooter

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    Playing since 83
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    Mythras & 2e D&D

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  1. I can see you are eager for this project and do not want any time wasted. I can appreciate this. But it is not too much to ask for an update every now and then. It’s been months since there has been any activity on this forum. Thank you for your consideration and patience with us more inquisitive folk.
  2. Excellent I am looking forward to it. Just got my hard copy of BRP the other day and started reading it today. It’s a wonderful book!
  3. Now that the new BRP book is out, are we going to see the second edition of Mythic Iceland?
  4. I purchased Rivers of London and was very impressed with how organized it is and all the tools included in the back of the book. Will Mythic Iceland get the same quality treatment?
  5. Will Chaosium work with Fantasy Grounds to update your BRP products so they work properly. I have purchased a subscription for Fantasy Grounds and several BRP products only to find out they do not work well with Unity.
  6. It’s November 2020 and we are knocking on 2021s doors. Do any of the fine folks at Chaosium have an update for a patient Mythic Iceland fan?
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