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  • RPG Biography
    Started off with four-small-books D&D in the early '70s, fell in with the Chaosium crowd at the late and bitterly lamented Aero Hobbies in Santa Monica soon after, got to playtest one Pendragon and three CoC campaigns and played just about everything else since. Favorites: RQ, CoC, Champions, Jorune, Changeling, and Over the Edge; though I'll play almost anything and enjoy it.
  • Current games
    None, but looking.
  • Location
    Portland, OR (Beaverton)
  • Blurb
    Born in 1967, have played and run every genre and most major systems. More interested in character than plot or combat; my (late, alas) friend Ty once played a CoC game without a character sheet for several sessions, simply saying "Missed" whenever he made a die roll unless it was under 10%, and when the Keeper finally caught him and made him write up his character, he gave himself Dress for Dinner at 95% ("Some things are important, dammit!"). He's still my idol.

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  1. Not in RQ, but in Stormbringer (also BRP), they had the rule that you could trade in any of your stats for more POW on a 2-for-1 basis. So our pal Tom rolled up a sorceror, put his best roll into his INT (he got a 20, not out of hand for Stormbringer), and sold every other stat down to 1 -- STR, CHA, SIZ, everything -- for a POW of 37. He lived in our big bruiser's backpack and stuck his head out to cast nasty spells occasionally. Probably he should have died on a couple of occasions, but he was too cool a character, and Tom was never an abusive gamer. The weirdest I got in RQ was a duck who was sold into the Lunar Empire as a gladiator, promptly won his freedom, and threw in his lot with the Lunars, ending up as a Rune Lord of Yanafal of the Seven Mothers and going on his first heroquest just as our GM moved out of state, after ten real-time years of weekly/bi-weekly play. Good times...
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