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    Been running games forever!
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    DnD 3.5E, DnD 5E, Pathfinder 1E, Capes in the Dark

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  1. Our group just completed the second adventure "The Adventure of the Forest of the Silver Deer". During "The Battle of Bedegraine" the players completed the battle card "Rescue Captive Knights". The last paragraph of the card refers to a Favor system. "At the Gamemaster’s option, if using the Favor system from the core rules, the nobles may instead owe Favors to the Playerknights equivalent to the Glory awards." I cannot find are reference to this favor system anywhere.
  2. Personally I think it's okay, maybe a tiny bit light but not to the degree where I am too fussed about it. My opinion may be biased though, as I do own all the Pendragon v5.2 content, hence I figure I can convert stuff myself as required. 5 years would have been way better than 3 years, for sure, and I think that would probably have provided enough content for most customers to be satisfied. I do agree about a map, definitely. It's been a bit of a hassle not having one. Overall I'm satisfied with the product, and chuffed to be an owner. My group's certainly enjoying the content and the system - it's the first time we've played Pendragon and it's going down well.
  3. Our group just completed adventure I, The Adventure of the Sword Tournament. We are now processing the Winter Phase, and have a few queries around that. Step 1. Experience Rolls Roll 1d20 once for each experience check on any trait or skill. If the number rolled is *greater than* then current value, then the character learned from the experience and adds one point to that value. Once a checked Statistic is rolled, erase the check. Q. Does a critical not increase the value ? Step 2. Training & Practice The Player may select any *one* of the following improvements Change a Characteristic Players may add one point to any one of STR, DEX, CON or APP. Q. Are these increases subject to any cap / limit ? Train a Skill Up to 20 Increase *one* Skill over 15 by one point, up to a maximum value of 20. No Skill can receive a Critical bonus or increase it by Training and Practice. Q. The wording is really strange here, please can you explain what the second sentence means.
  4. The dark mode formatting is down to the styles being used in Roll20, and nothing to do with the above macros. If you check the Roll20 forums there's quite a few suggestions around how you can customise that, if you're finding it hard to read. I believe they use Stylus (which I'm not familiar with) to automatically update the CSS/styles being used. Here's an example post with some good info: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/10994169/slug}
  5. If anyone's using the Roll20 Pendragon stuff, here are some "Token Action Macros" I made for our group. You'll want to make the first four global macros, give everyone permission to use them, and show them as token actions. For the last one, it needs to be a character-level macro. I added in handouts to the various bits, but in order for that to work for you, you'd have to create handouts and then update the links - I recommend just to ignore that for now. On this point, however, is there any plan to have a Pendragon 6e Roll20 compendium? This would be a great example where I could link to the compendium entries. These token macros allow you to make the relevant rolls without having to open the character sheet. 1. Skill Check (Combat) 2. Skill Check (Non-Combat) 3. Trait Check 4. Squire Check 5. Passion Checks I've created a macro for token actions for passion checks as well (see below), however this needs to be used slightly differently. Add the macro to the individual character sheet, by going to the "Abilities & Actions" section, then add the following text there. Important: Before you add the macro text, be sure to trim it down so you have the correct number of passions. For example, if your character has 3 passions, you should delete entries 3 through 10 in the below text before you add the macro. Repeating sections begin from 0, therefore for 3 passions you want 0, 1 and 2. NB: The macro will not work properly if you only have a single passion. Any easy way to bypass this problem is simply to have two entries for passion 0 e.g. duplicate the first entry.
  6. A big thanks from this Blighty resident who now has the Pendragon Starter Set, ordered direct from Chaosium!! I may do as Morien did, and run the solo adventure as our group's "starter game". I was reading through the first actual adventure and it did seem quite brutal, and jolly good fun. Very much looking forward to running this in the next few weeks. Thanks again Chaosium ⚔️ Some feedback: the Royal Mail damaged the parcel on the way. You may want to see about adding a bit more packaging to it, or using a different courier! I wasn't buying the box for collection purposes so I really don't care myself, but thought I would pass it on so at least you know.
  7. Ironically, a game all about events in the UK is unable to be ordered in the UK. Any idea when this situation will be resolved, as I'd really like to purchase this item? :-)
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