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  • RPG Biography
    35+ year veteran.
  • Current games
    BRP, CoCth, Pendragon

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  1. Hi Dangermouse, I hope you are keeping well. I am wondering if I can put in a feature request for Personality Traits when you next pick this one up. If this is possible, my personal preference would be for user defined trait pairs rather than pre-set (as per Pendragon for example). Many thanks for your continued efforts and attention - this is fast becoming my favourite system on account of its flexibility and the sterling work you'e put into it to date!
  2. Sounds like a good way forward to me.
  3. NPC sheet is looking great. Personally speaking, I can't see that anything is missing. Absolutely sterling work - this is a really nice system you are developing. My continued thanks for your hard work bringing this to us.
  4. Absolutely fantastic! Many, many thanks indeed, for both your hard work and responsiveness. Greatly appreciated.
  5. Hi Dangermouse, greatly appreciated! One last request - would it be possible to also add 'Allegiance' (p211) to the Roadmap? I think that would pretty much cover everything!
  6. Hi DM, fantastic work so far (on both this and the Pendragon). Appreciate it's still early days and that you have a collossal work load with all of this, but at some point could you add Reputation option and Passions integration to the BRP roadmap wishlist? Thanks again for the excellent work so far!
  7. Great to see the development progressing. I've been using the CoCth Foundry game system for a couple of years now, and am absolutely thrilled to see BRP in the works.
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