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Everything posted by SleepyNick

  1. *checks map* huh, took a wrong turn, we are at the rivers of London! Must be around the next corner!
  2. Thank you for your first post, you expressed my feelings, and looks like many others feelings, in such a well spoken and thoughtful manner. This quote from your second post also is important. I am new to runequest but dived in head first, I have gotten new material and old material alike. Seeing that post about "gently weeping" and this "ungrateful customer attitude" when all I want to know is "when can I give you my money" has really turned me off. The people that make runequest love it, the people that play runequest love it. There is a lot of heart behind the creators and players, don't extinguish it.
  3. "Release before chaosium con" T-T can't wait for the book haha and a great interview! I really like hearing all of Jeff's thoughts and insight
  4. What kind of write up? Like Stat block or history? Interested in both! Lol
  5. "Company of the Dragon" by Andrew Montgomery (found on DriveThruRPG) had a really nice rule system for dragon mysticism. Primarily made for a cult led by a certain dragon spirit. I am probably going to be using it for my players that decided to make Yerezum Storn's cult (albeit way more slowly sense she does not care to teach them anything, only her Dragon Priest).
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