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Posts posted by Malin

  1. Just did a small calculation of a Sun County stead, it seems rather workable.

    Assumption: A family stead of Yelmalio cultist, Ernalda cultist, same grandparents. They work 4 hides. 12 rune points in total.

    If each hide is blessed, that means 4 RP tied up in bless crops during half the year. Maybe 2 tied up in bless pregnancy if that is going on.

    Yelmalio dad: 2 points tied up in bless crops, 1 free for emergency healing/cloud clear, returned every season.

    Yelmalio grampa: All 3 free for that old man wisdom (Heal Body emergencies), can do Divinations, Heal Wound, Cloud Clear.

    Ernalda mom: 2 point tied up in bless crops. 1 free but can be regained every week with effort if needed. This point can be used for minor agriculture stuff, healing etc. Useful spells are: Fertilize before the sowing, Plow along the rim, Accelerate Growth for speed growing fruit trees a bit at a time, Bless Animals, Heal Wounds. Earthwarm protects against frost, and Brew can be useful too.

    Ernalda gramma: 2 point sometimes tied up in Bless Pregnancy when there’s time for a grandchild. The rest is for farming and emergencies as above.

    If you add any initiated children, aunts, uncles etc, then more Bless Crops can be stacked to feed the larger family on the same number of hides.

    Conclusion: Yelmalio farmers are as involved in Bless Crops as Ernaldan ones. Ernalda has SO MUCH demand for her rune points when it comes to useful Farming things (and childbirth/procreation), it feels like any healing would be a secondary function. The Yelmalio husbands having access to Heal Body is probably a big relief there.


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  2. Yes, it is me, back with weird questions about rule wordings. (I know my glorantha will vary and maximum game fun, but I am always curious about designer intentions and how magic interacts with daily life.)



    Bless Crops 1 Point ex Ritual, Duration (special) Stackable '

    This ritual affects one hide of land. It adds +20% to the owner’s occupational skill rating for that hide in the following Sacred Time (RuneQuest, page 420). For each point stacked in the spell, the caster adds either an additional hide to the area affected or +20% to the Income roll in Sacred Time (RuneQuest, page 422)


    My questions are:

    • When can this spell be cast? Traditional descriptions of rites seem to suggest Earth Season, but rules-wise, there is nothing to stop someone from using it the day before sacred time and have the same effect. In Bless Pregnancy, the first trimester is specified, and I am using this to have it be cast in Sea Season in my game, but it is not specified in the rules.
    • If it is cast, when are the rune points recovered? I assume it is during the harvest?


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Smart farmers cast this in Earth Season to avoid tying the Rune Points up longer than they have to. But yes.

    While technically, the rules don't say when you cast it (so you can do it the day before the sacred time roll if you're a munchkin) I personally would say that it's done in the sea season. In Sun County, it's mentioned that's when they do it. But as you say, it's not defined in the rules.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    any peasant woman could instantly regrow limbs on a weekly basis.

    I think it's a case of game rules/world rules unintended consequences, but I also wonder how many rune points are tied up in sustained spells for the average Ernalda worshipper. A few points stacked in blessed crops (which is not instant in RBoM) will mean 20% more harvest. On a family farm, I suspect at least one or two women would keep that running for the whole family (1 hide per RP). Bless pregnancy has already been discussed elsewhere (2 points), and there might be others I don't remember right now. I feel that for the average farmer, other spells are more important to invest in, since most people don't have the kind of massive wounds/accidents that would need heal body. It might be worth leaving those to the village healer (who might be another Ernaldan) who can deal with the bad cases. Heal Wound is usually enough to keep people alive.

  5. Summon Healing spirit is great for the cost, though a bit less controlled when it comes to the quality. In a hospital setting, it can perform several jobs, without needing the control spell as long as you summon it in the right place. Might even work better than cure all diseases if you want to help the greatest number of people.

    I feel the same is the case for heal body/regrow limb. Chalana Arroy might focus more on saving lives than making sure everybody has all limbs. You can live a good (and peaceful) life with one leg or one arm. It feels almost frivolous to prioritize regrowing a limb when there might be other people there who need life-saving intervention. Unless there is a massive donation, of course. Which could do so much good...


  6. 2 minutes ago, mfbrandi said:

    Presumably, this is a callback to the Nysalor missionaries of the Gbaji wars.

    That thought struck me too... though if not, it's probably some sort of air/miasma related disease that Orlanth would have an edge on.

    13 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    1. Invisible red ropes? How does that even work? 😉

    I didn't even think about that 🤡. However, it also sounds a lot like how a certain chaos creature (the exact name escapes me) eats by forcing their prey to run towards them until they throw themselves in it's mouth... the thought that Lunars could weaponize that is scary.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

    Are you willing to pass on the information in there?

    One day a new sickness came to the city. Argrath was one of those that fell ill. The Pavis priests said it was something the Lunar Miners had uncovered. People became weak, disoriented and lapsed into unconsciousness. Only Orlanth could heal them, which he did in great ceremonies at the pairing stones north of the city.

    No further details about the plague. Argrath was the daughter of Brenna, who was the daughter of Verlain, the son of Dorastor and a slave woman.

    Anything else you want? King of Sartar is on sale in the store now cheap...

    The organization "The New Teeth" which he started might be worth looking into too...

    (yes, I am running Argrath of Pavis in my campaign back before he got that name and was still Enostar...)

    • Thanks 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, Ian A. Thomson said:

    Argrath of Pavis

    Enostar Maniskisson, also called Bad Dream Enostar is what I have in my notes from king of sartar (for reasons). Do a search in there for that and I think you will find the details of the plague (not too many) and how it was cured at the pairing stones. Don't have access to the book atm.

    EDIT: sorry, this is probably already solved, didn't see it was older. Dunno how to delete a post.

  9. 52 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    And not everyone gets Heal Body.

    Regrow limb: Chalana Arroy, Drrzola, Ernalda, Grain Goddesses, Kero Fin – Issaries, Seven Mothers, Babeester Gor, Flamal, Maran Gor, Yinkin.

    Heal body: Aldrya, Chalana Arroy. Ernalda – Eiritha, Yelmalio, Shamans, Babeester Gor, Barntar, Orlanth, Yelm, Heler, lots of elf deities.


    So the only overlap is between Chalana Arroy, Ernalda and Babeester Gor, I think. There it's probably a rune point issue what would be most economic and what the initiate would know. I guess Heal Body would be good in tense battle situations since it would also restore all lost hp, while Regrow Limb is used to fix things later, back in civilian life, for limbs lost on the battlefield.

  10. Now that I am less wrapped up in wargaming rules, maybe I can formulate my question better.

    Compare the two spells:



    Heal Wound

    This common spell heals damage done to a living creature. It works equally well on any living thing, provided it has hit points. When cast, the caster must simultaneously spend magic points equal to the hit points to be healed. This spell cures the damage in the locations touched, as well as total hit points.

    Heal (Spirit magic)

    This spell repairs damage done to hit points. The caster must touch the part of the body being healed. Each point of Heal immediately repairs 1 hit point in that location. If the location is not fully restored, Heal can be used again in subsequent melee rounds. Heal cannot raise an adventurer from the dead. However, 2 points of Heal stops the bleeding of any wound or severed limb, and 6 points of Heal restores a severed limb to the body if all parts are available.



    "This spell cures the damage in the locations touched, as well as total hit points."

    Does this mean Heal Wound can be used against pure total hit point damage (like a systemic poison or a thunderbolt)? It did not seem that way in the explanation of the Healing Trance above, but I might have misread it. However, if Heal Wound can be used that way, it is quicker and cheaper to use than Healing Trance since it is available to everyone, and you do not have to be stuck in a trance for the healing. Instead, you just have to regenerate the magic points naturally.

    I always took the sentence as meaning that the total hit points that were lost due to the wound were also healed at the same time.

    But in that case, why does Heal spirit magic lack that sentence? Is it just an oversight? Is there some sort of qualitative difference in the healing other than the fact that rune magic goes fast and heals a lot in combat, and spirit magic is slower and cheaper for out-of-combat.


  11. On 9/24/2023 at 2:07 AM, metcalph said:

    SurEnslib could be a great deity for all anybody knows but the Darjiinians don't care to find out because the ancestral manner which they worship her in pisses off the Dara Happans. 

    She did eat a Red Emperor... I love her. (had a Darjini lunar legion deserter so I needed to do a cult writeup some years back, sadly very defunct now)

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  12. We have used Heal spirit magic for total HP before, this post just made me go in and read the actual rules as written. I am not sure what the intent is, of course we can do what we like, I am just wondering if it is an oversight or an intended effect! (It's the wargamer in me, it thrives on clarity of terms and language)

  13. On 9/23/2023 at 1:22 PM, Scotty said:

    Healing Trance is used for healing total hit points

    Related healing questions:

    • The Heal Wound rune spell says it heals the location AND the general HP.
    • The Heal spirit magic says it repairs 1 point per point of Heal in the touched location. It does not mention general HP.

    Am I to assume that if you use Heal Wound (with 3 mp), you heal a sword cut on your arm for 3 hp and your total hp for 3 hp? While if you use Heal spirit magic 3, you ONLY regain 3 hp in the location, and none to the total hp?

    But then if we consider first Aid, that also says to the location. No mention of general HP.

    I saw in the corrections thread that Natural Healing also restores general HP:


    How will the damage to the total hit points heal naturally?

    If the damage is against total hit points and not a specific hit location through something like poison, fire, etc., natural healing works there too. Each location gets its natural healing each week, as does any damage to total hit points.

    But is this just ONE thing for total hp as a separate hit location, or does every location healing also affect total hp? If you have  2 wounds and heals 2hp naturally, will that be 2hp healed to the total hit points, or 4 hp healed to total hit points, or 6hp? 

    In the drowning rules it says you take 1d8hp damage to the chest location. Yet you list drowning as an example of general hp damage in your post above. Which is correct? (i personally like the general hp variant better)

    Sorry for the questions, this just got me thinking.

  14. 10 hours ago, Duff said:

    Your Yelmalio initiation is exactly what I was hoping people would add when I started this thread.

    Writing stuff like this is what I love, thank you for starting the thread because most of these things never get shared!

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  15. I wish I had, I have scoured everything I can find and I haven't seen (or remembered) anything substantial. So I will keep a look on this thread too, sooner or later our campaign will end up there...

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