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Everything posted by Elleusive

  1. jajagappa. Voices look like they'll be both extra helpful and enjoyable to read. Big thanks for that. DrGoth. I do agree! Fully on board with starting small/local and expanding my knowledge over time while playing. Certainly have felt that fire hose experience when I first tried reading large chunks from books. ^^; Just want a solid grip on the things characters would take for granted (gods, local regions etc) that I as a player don't. Happy playing a 'grew up local, never travelled much' character but less so an oblivious idiot *laughs* Rob Darvall. I don't think I'd have ever made that connection. Loving the idea though. g33k. Thanks! People here seem real friendly~
  2. Fantastic. These should help a lot! I'll check with my friend before reading the modules in case he plans to use them. Much appreciated both of you.
  3. A friend of mine is keen to run a game set in and around Pavis, however I am new to the system/setting (more of a Call of Cthulhu player) and am finding it hard getting my head around the nuances of the setting and world, which is clearly deeply rich. So far the best resource I've found to introduce and portray the world is the incomplete http://www.princeofsartar.com/ Wondering if anyone could help suggest other introductory resources?
  4. Always interesting and fun to see and learn. Most of my core gaming group are archaeologists (current or former) and it is always tricky trying to keep up with their knowledge.
  5. Thank you for the reply! It is much appreciated.
  6. One of my players sent me their PDF for A Cold Fire Within to try and tempt me into running the campaign. While reading through the book I've hit upon a point of confusion however. On page 32 while exploring Ferdinand Argus' home players are expected to find a 'Heart of Dreams', which comes with the note (see box, nearby). Unfortunately I can't find this box to get a description of the Heart of Dreams or what it does. Context elsewhere shows it is tied to a Keeper of the Heart of Dreams and the Crystals of Naphkon, as well as being referenced in Handout: Past Lives 3b, but nothing on the Heart of Dreams itself. Is there an errata somewhere or have I been send an old copy of the PDF? I appreciate any help~
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