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  • RPG Biography
    Long-time gamer and gamemaster. A preference for elegant games.
  • Current games
    Comae Engine, M-Space

Piotr's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Hi, (the excellent) Reflux is a standalone product or a sequel (in the same universe) is in the works ?
  2. Hello, I now own M-Space and Comae (with a preference for the latter) and wanted to know if the M-Space range would continue? If so, would compatibility with Comae be possible (in the form of small inserts for example)? What would you advise me to “cannibalize” in M-space for the Comae engine ?
  3. Thank you very much for the advice, I will try to do it like that! My homebrew setting is very low magic, so i can wait for additional rules.
  4. Good morning, First of all thank you for this new game system which is really elegant (from the layout to the game mechanism). I have a question, how would you envisage adapting the system to a medieval universe (and what to do with the Tech skill for example?)?
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