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Everything posted by Tolen1

  1. Well, as I try to clear my writing and artistic backlog, I percolate on ideas for creating a Treasure Planet style game. It's just going to be a bit before I get around to it. There are, however a few ideas I like in other RPG's. Both Abney Park's Airship Pirates RPG, and Vaesen assume the PC's are part of a pre-defined group (With Abney Park letting you actually make one up as part of character creation). Vaesen, and other Year Zero Engine games have a 'base building' mechanic where you earn XP for your home base, which can then be spent to upgrade it. Both are interesting ideas for adaptation and implementation when I get to it.
  2. That's why I was asking. I've found other DnD worlds converted, thought I would see if there was another. Admittedly, it is a niche, and sometimes I feel like I'm the only nut in that niche...
  3. I did a deep read of Mythras, but it was either buy a hardcopy of that, or stick with the hardcopy of BRP I have. I have one of those groups who have an easier time with print books instead of laptops and tablets at the table. I'll check into Classic Fantasy one way or another. That being said, I don't specifically need a "DnD-clone" version of BRP Spelljammer. In fact, I'd prefer to avoid that. One of the reasons I'm switching to BRP is because I am just so burned out with DnD. Besides, these days I aim for "spelljammer adjacent" anyway. Mostly I want the ships and high adventure without the weird crystal spheres, phlogiston, and helms that drain the spellcasters. I'd be happy if I could land somewhere near "Treasure Planet", but with magic. I'll tackle it eventually myself. I'm busy bridging CoC and Vaesen (Vaesen is too rules-light for us, and CoC is a familiar place to branch from).
  4. Well, a couple of days ago, I asked this in the same thread as another (and got no answer there either). This being the second time ive asked, and am only just now getting an answer... Plus, i'm new here. I'm used to more active discussion. I didnt know there was a three or four day wait... I'm still feeling my way around this forum.
  5. Ok, so apparently that's a no. I'll have to put it on my list of things to do, after I'm finished creating my vaesen style game.
  6. You'd think I would learn not to put multiple questions in a single thread. It's efficient for me, but never works. 😃 Has anyone taken a stab at converting the old ADnD Spelljammer setting?
  7. Both of those answers make sense. For the life of me, I just couldn't make it make sense as a concept. Thank you guys.
  8. So get, for example loyalty. You know you need to flee in the face of superior numbers, but the chieftan stands strong, and so you succeed at a loyalty check and stand with him. If you fail, your nerve breaks and you flee. I can't make any kind of sense of fear. If I succeed at a passion check for fear, I lean into the fear and...? If I fail at the passion check I'm not afraid?
  9. So I'm going through my copy of brpuge, and digging through the forums here, and I have questions. 1: I need help with 'Passions'. I mean, I think I get it, but then the idea of fear as a passion trips me up. Can someone kindly tell me how fear as a passion works, possibly in comparison to some other passion that makes sense to me (such as loyalty, for example). 2: I have found conversions of Dark Sun and And 2e to BRP. Has anyone taken a stab at converting Spelljammer?
  10. Forgive me for the mild thread necromancy, and forgive me if this is answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find the answer anywhere else. I understand i can use the entirety of the text to create my own RPG book, but I need to attribute the BRUGE to Chaosium. How much of the quoted text is needed? I know I need to add the logo, and when I am done, there won't be any references to cthulhu or pendragon, etc. My guess here (and I hope you'll clarify if I'm wrong) is that the paragraph starting with "This product is licensed..." is needed. The paragraph that starts "Product Identity elements..." would need to be changed to reflect my IP. The paragraph that starts "With very few exceptions..." ? I just want to do it right. (Although, given my track record, I'll get a third of the way through and lose interest and it'll never see light of day...) And so it's said, I don't actually want to use everything in the book. For example, the Introduction will be changed. I don't need to describe Chaosium's history, they do that well enough. And the chapter on settings will go away, since the idea is to use it for my own setting, and that's not needed. Of course, everything will be considered on a case by case basis (buy you all probably already knew all of that, and I'm typing a lot more than I need to. I do tend to ramble...
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