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Everything posted by snotereceorlas

  1. Hello there dangermouse! Great that someone is doing this - and that you have the unofficial blessing of chaosium. Would love to help out with feedback. I can honestly say i had the most fun I've had for ages when i played the starter set with my most dedicated player! The passions and traits play really well, the d20 version of BRP really is, in my opinion, quite a bit better than the usual d100 one, and a LOT of the stuff they have put in - like battles gave - fun, nail-biting and satisfying outcomes! I could give many examples. My limitations are that time is a bit scarce as, amongst other things, we are self-employed and have to do a bit juggling of our work thanks to the cost of living crisis here in hte UK. My gaming time has decreased for the present. But i will give as much feedback as i can. Also i'm not a developer - my youngest son is and when we talk these things i realise how much i have to learn - and foundry vtt is great but it's very developer-friendliness makes it a bit harder to use for us who aren't. The plus side is that i do have a lot experience in using foundry and, of course, have been playing frpgs for years. Also let me know if you prefer discord for all this. So: At the moment i have it all installed in foundry vtt but the only items displaying are Passions Skills and Traits. i notice in the image above others like Armour are present. Have you created those in your set up? I know from experience (like the Foundry Castles and Crusades when it was in beta) that you need to import content as well as system which can be more tricky in beta (for people like me). Obviously just reply when you can. thanks again! Andrew
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