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  • RPG Biography
    I'm a player and amateur DM whose main experience is with a mix of Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons and Dragons 5e and other systems like Legend of the Five Rings, Genesys and Monster of the Week.
  • Current games
    Monster of the Week, Dungeons & Dragons, (soon to be) Escape from Dino Island.
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  • Blurb
    I'm a recent convert to full-time roleplaying, after previously only doing online games post-COVID. I've had a chance to play Call of Cthulhu, and Dungeons & Dragons, but found the systems a little awkward, I want to learn more about making my own house-rules and developing a greater understanding of the design principles behind roleplaying. I also really like the d100 system and additional rules BRP uses.

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  1. Got it, so, my main question is if I wanted to start building from the ground up is that a way to do it for 'realistic' stats and then change it from there if these creatures don't conform to normal laws? i.e. if I make a SIZ 4 creature, they'd have something like STR 8 as an average?
  2. Hey all This is my first time posting in the forum, and I'm curious about building custom creatures & races in BRP. I've got some experience DMing and playing, including in both DND and Call of Cthulhu, and I've familiarised myself with how the BRP system works from a theoretical level. But I am wondering if there's a set method or easy way to build creatures from scratch. For example, I've been thinking on running a Warhammer Fantasy-themed game, and although the BRP creature list contains stuff like Orcs it doesn't contain goblins. Say I know the 'narrative' aspects of a creature, like its height compared to a human, intellect/sapience and other basics, is there a good method for translating that into a stat-line? Or would it be just taking examples like for halflings and tweaking it to fit another being? Off the back of that, what do you usually consider for making a creature feel 'different' and unique?
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