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Mister Wonderful

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Everything posted by Mister Wonderful

  1. Hi Aknaj - what is your mothertongue ? Might be helpful if you find someone sharing your first language.
  2. Thank you all - the quote from Page 72 kind of clarifies that perfectly. Looking at p.64 the entry under Fast Talk explicitly says : "Fast Talk is specifially limitied to verbal trickery, deception and misdirection". There is also that paragraph in the Investigators Handbook p. 101: If the investigator is threatening violence or acting aggressively, the skill is Intimidate. If the investigator is attempting to befriend or seduce, the skill is Charm. If the investigator is using rational arguments and debate over a prolonged time, the skill is Persuade. If the investigator is acting quickly to deceive, con, or trick, the skill is Fast Talk. Thank you all for your help Mister Wonderful
  3. Greetings fellow Keepers, just a quick round of ideas - what is the single most impactful or fun house rule in Call of Cthulhu that you have used or are currently using - what was/is it and how did it affect your gaming experience ? For me: we have limited the amount of luck a player can spend to no more than 10 per roll, wanting to mirror the effect of that little bit of extra luck needed to pull through or make something work while still leaving room to fail spectacularily in dire situations (or at least call for a risky pushed roll) Regards, Mister Wonderful
  4. Dear fellow Keepers which skill do you use for your Investigators to lie convincingly ? To spot a lie, my players roll Psychology rolls, and thus my NPCs (so far) get to roll that aswell to figure out if a player is being truthful. But I would rather prefer a more active part for my players here (Fast Talk maybe ?) and (might be just my players) lying is something that happens quiet often at our tables 🤥 Regards Mister Wonderful
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