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  • RPG Biography
    DM D&D, Keeper CoC and DM RoLRPG. Published author on DMSguild.
  • Current games
    Death Light (CoC), The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (D&D), The Bookshop (RoLRPG)
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    Author on DMS Guild
    I GM free online game sessions (One-shots and campaigns) in Dutch for
    D&D - Call of Cthulhu - Rivers of London

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  1. I have the same problem as above, when I click on a spell it shows 'No roll allowed as you have no chance of success'. However, when I set the 'Sub-Type' at the skill 'Magic' to Magic, I can no longer enter 'Skill Chance', this automatically becomes 0 every time. For example, I can type in 60 at Skill Chance, but when I then enter, this automatically becomes 0 again. If I set the Sub-Type to None, the 60 appears. What am I doing wrong here?
  2. I give (free) online game sessions for Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game in Dutch. I use Discord and Foundry for these sessions. Right now you can sign up for the introduction case file The Bookshop on Thursday, July 25 at 8:00 pm or on Friday, July 19 at 8:00 pm. More info and registration can be done via the Discord channel D&D Vlaanderen: : https://discord.com/channels/758229669911986207/1254680987192000533
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