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  • RPG Biography
    Runequest GM. Also enjoy WH40K rpgs.
  • Current games
    Campaign in Glorantha set in 1624 just before the Dragonrise.
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    Long time BRP player, mainly Call of Cthulhu. I have been reading about Runequest for 25+ years. Only really got a chance to play it in the last seven or eight years. I started GMing my first Runequest game earlier this year (2024) and loving it. Also a chance to introduce the setting to my long time rpg group.

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  1. I think if we're talking about a scenario where a worshipper is visiting a centre of worship on a holy day with a decent sacrafice....then yes the worship check should be pretty much a cert. Orlanth or any other god wants people to worship him successfully! I don't think the scenario described in the OP is surprising or a bug.
  2. I really like these ideas. Could option 3 be The Dragonnewts owed a debt to the Lunar Empire. The Crimson Bat would have been able to subdue Boldhome by itself. Thus the Inhuman King manifests the Dragon to destroy the Bat. Therefore meaning the Dragonnewts are needed to storm the city and can fulfill their debt. Or is that too devious/complying with the letter not the spirit of a debt?
  3. I'd imagine being in possession of Chaotic items while not being effected by them and/or obviously chaotic yourself would be a good indicator for Lunar Examiners and others (a rare astute Storm Bull perhaps) that someone was potentially Illuminated.
  4. This was my original thinking as well but while doing my research I came across this article where @Jeff notes it was indeed a dream dragon. https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/the-crimson-bat/ Now this is an interesting idea. It also curious that Dragonnewts are said to have aided the Lunars and stormed the gates of Boldhome. I guess I'm surprised that the Lunars didn't do more investigations after the fall of Boldhome to discover what draconic powers were aiding the Sartarites and why. Especially considering what happened 20 years later.
  5. My players have just arrived in Boldhome and as such I have been re-reading the Rough Guide to Boldhome from the Jonstown Compendium. I was wondering if there is any more information or even interesting theories about the (dream) dragon that arises in 1602ST to help the Sartarite defenders and destroy the Crimson Bat? Am I missing something; Was there some specific foreshadowing as to the Dragon rising to help in 1602ST? Also is there any indication of which True Dragon the dream dragon of Boldhome belongs to? (The Brown Dragon of 1625 perhaps?).
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